General Discussion

General DiscussionOD rekts

OD rekts in General Discussion
game sucks

    that is all

    waku waku

      i still think that intelligence steal is rather strong
      but it's not enough. he needs something else to annihilate everyone. so he doesn't have to be completely useless against a bkb


        theres a bunch of people butthurt and insisting he's downright horrible now but honestly he's pretty good

        he's actually okay now in safelanes because he has a 4 second psuedo disruption that can setup or save an ally/himself. people argue his laning when to shit because he can no longer drain int and instagib level 6 but honestly...

        how many fucking decent players actually lets that kind of thing happen to them?

        besides, the int steal on his W was not crucial in mid/late game in the past, it was only useful for the laning stage

        and how many players actually went refres+aghs lol

        I swear its just a bunch of retards REPOSTING what they've seen others say and go "wtf hero is shit, u muz be noob to not realize"

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