General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck in Normal Skill

Stuck in Normal Skill in General Discussion

    I had 2k games, and a 51% winrate, how can i get out of the "Normal Skill bracket"? (most of my matches are normal skill bracket)


      play ranked and get > 3k mmr to reach High, and 3.7k mmr to reach VH


        another thing you can do is stop feeding in games and cut down unnecessary deaths. it goes a long way in normal skill bracket.


          the first thing you can do is stop playing invoker ;)


            but more importantly, you'll never climb anywhere with a 51% win rate - another 2k games and you'll have gained 1k MMR if they were all solo ranked...

            if you want to get out of normal you need to be playing heroes with at least 60% win rate - even then you only gain 500MMR/100 games...still, it is 10 times as much as with 51%.

            Riguma Borusu

              spam shakerrrrrr

              LEBRON JAMIS

                @rocket , @eagle: any sugestions in how can i improve in my games? What am i bad at?

                Positive Player

                  dont go for retard picks

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Stop picking Invoker (cause you're bad with him, and probably have low impact, and only do well when your teammates do well probably)

                    and don't EVER, EVER pick that garbage hero puck.


                      pick a carry that can do a lot of tower damage. Learn how to play that carry. Spam that carry.


                        You play in SEA, there is no way out. I'm sorry.


                          ^ what sven guy said
                          spam ur shaker

                          Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                            actually what murranji guy said
                            no way out.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              There's a way out of anything unless you aren't trying at all or are way too shit. He should've learned by now to force picks that win him games, and not pick invoker since he'll only win around 1 out of every 3 games, with shaker, for every 5 games he plays he's mostly only going to lose one, which is actually sort of impressive if you're as shit as your opponents and have more than 50 games with the hero.

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                                From those 2k games u played 228 ranked and got 50.88% winrate which is not bad if u dont wanna drop but it is bad if u wanna grow ur mmr


                                  By being good.

                                  Homme viril

                                    As I said ina previous post on the same topic. If you want to play high skill that badly: two options: First, get better, find a main hero and tryhard it until you can own any normal skill game with it, whatever the pick is, it will help you alot to focus on game mechanics and other heroes knowledge since you won't have to learn your own hero's skills. Second, get experimented/high skill friends to play with, I've started to get in high skill brackets in normal matchmaking because of these two reasons. Gl.

                                    PS: try to get good KDA at each game, even if ur losin.

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                                    LEBRON JAMIS

                                      @Preux Chevalois: what do u think can i improve? what are mistakes oftenly done by 2k players? and what is a good KDA range like?

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                                        find a couple of different heroes where you confident youll be able to maintain atleast around 60% winrate. spam that shit. ppl on normal skill as far as ive seen tend to fail at rotating efficiently and are way to fucking slow on objectives. fuck kda its only about wr. looking at your profile id go for the shaker/cm. and gyro/slark. as my go to's

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                                        [F]unky Panda

                                          Feel you man. I've always play with my friends, whom are >3k MMR.. always thought why its so difficult man.. i want to climb higher., hopefully bringing my firends with me. thats why i dont play solo.. From my humble perspective i can tell you, is that don't act like you're Mr-know-it-all.. Adapt is a strong word.

                                          Homme viril

                                            @kokOJ! I'm not far from your skill level and I've played less games than you, but to my mind, most common mistake made by 2k players is to remain too passive on their lanes, they don't adapt they gameplay/build either the game is going hard or ez. If they dominate, they'll start to give up taking targets like Tier 2 towers or opponent carry in jungle and will start to rotate to get ez kills on other lanes, without targeting the right heroes that will eventually rekt them late game. If they are dominated, they'll keep feeding on their lanes, blaming mid or support, then lose tier 1 tower and throw the game. When your lane is going hard 2 solutions: 1 one of your teamate will swap/rotate to help you stand your lane and eventually win it, 2 you'll remain alone and keep losin your lane, so you have to play safe until your team can push with you, if your opponents can dive you under your tower, then give up your lane/deny tower and try to put pressure by hard pushin opposite lane. There is also a HUGE mistake called: minimap awarness. 2 k players don't even look at minimap most of the time. If their support isn't warding well, still they'll go push a lane without vision or farm jungle and get ganked. Then flame starts between carry and support ect...ect...It's not how a way to play. Just go when u have vision and awarness will be my biggest advice. Once you know what u'll find highground, you will turn ganks and teamfights to you advantage and get fast kills, then fast pushing to create space for your carry. Don't make a game harder by trying hard to get farm/kills because you lose 4/11 at 13:30 if u don't even know where u are going into. Eventually buy wards for yourself if your support is dumb, but don't even go if you can't have vision, and you'll get sightly better.