General Discussion

General DiscussionIs my MMR legitimate now?

Is my MMR legitimate now? in General Discussion

    I bought a 4.5k mmr account and after 57 solo ranked games I am still 4.5k, does this mean I'm 4.5k for reals?

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        Nice normal skill 4.5k mmr bro, i'm impressed XD


          Posting on my normal account that's my bought acct ^

          Riguma Borusu

            Dunno, isn't it more fun to just play up from whatever your mmr on that account is? I recently started playing ranked (i calibrated really low when I started playing DotA) so I am having some really easy games. Why don't you 'legitimately' go up just for the kicks of it, should not be hard?


              Because I dont want to grind it out over hundreds of hours, wanted to see if I was good enough to play at higher mmr. Playing at higher bracket even after only 10 games vastly improved my gameplay.

              Riguma Borusu

                Yeah, I get that, I've actually played @ 4.3k with 40% wr, I can win some games even if I need to carry them, but it's much much harder than my unranked (3500) or my ranked (2000). I'd probably need to play 4k+ for a while to get a grip on how the game really goes, and maybe I'd have a ~50% winrate, but still, I find it more fun to grind my way up even if that means having ridiculously easy games.

                Still, 4k+ is also a lot more enjoyable to play because there's actually some DotA to be had and people don't do really stupid shit, and the thing I like the most is, there are players who'll very well counter what I typically do, lower than that MMR people just don't know what to do most games.

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                  people like this are why i stopped playing ranked a long time ago.


                    Does it make a difference?

                    If you can't stomp normal skill games, noone gives a fuck of how high your 'true' mmr is because a regular support player in 4.5k could go 20-0 on any hero at 3k. Honestly, isn't that the entire point of MMR? To show ones ability to stomp the shit out of everyone lower? If you can't achieve that then whats the point of holding a 4.5k account.


                      Defianc3 ur an ignorant autistic retarded mongofuck if u believe account buyers are what ruins ur 3k mmr ranked games

                      GET SOME CONFIDENCE DOG

                      Riguma Borusu

                        I'm pretty sure it's 3k mmr players thar ruin 3k.

                        King of Low Prio

                          your winrate is below 50% so you are slowly falling down even though you are trying to play low impact support heroes in hopes that your bad gameplay will not show too much


                            @king of Low Prio, account was 3-7 on ranked when I got it, I've stayed even on MMR in solo ranked games i've played after 57 games. You can see account seller calibrated with QoP in first 10 ranked games and went 3-7. Also can I get an example of a "High Impact" support hero?

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                            Paid actor


                              All u have been doin is play supports and try to get carried, the cores u played were once or twice a viper. So basically u r avoiding any kind of personal skill confrontation. Pick all the roles, or 2-3 roles if u cant play them all and after a while watch ur progress, 57 games as a support means nothing, u had 3-4 other cores who did the heavy lifting for u, and as Sampson said u r under 50% winrate and u will fall slowly but surely since u r playin mostly a 5th position.

                              Honestly its nothing new, i have a friend who spammed omni from 3.4k to 4.1 and stopped there, never played solo ranked again, then no further than yesterday he played again on solo ranked and lost miserably as a jungle lc with 14 bonus dmg in 35mins and the farm efficency was cancerous at its best.

                              I see ur main account has alot of core heroes played, why dont u try them on 4.5k and then come again after 57games. Its ok to try to improve but all u r doin is lying urself, u r actually close to my mmr with ur bought account and im willing to bet my shit that u would lose 9/10 times on lane against me, im not sayin this to insult u im just tryin to keep it real. I can stay 5k+ with another account, hell i have a 5.6k friend who lost most of the mid match ups against me, but still i know he is better and that if i would play the same heroes and roles that i play on my bracket in 5.6k i would lose more often than not.

                              Theres no shortcut, if u belong in 4.5k bracket u would have climbed with ur main at the VERY LEAST till 4k in less than a week, and no dont bullshit me with wierd complains coz ive done that 2 times in a row for a friend of mine, climbed from 2.9k in 4.2k with ease, not coz im a rly gr8 player, not coz im secretly 6k but gaben hates me, but coz simply that mmr was way lower than my actual mmr.

                              plz do

                                OP has 45% wr in vhs ranked games, looks like he will drop in the long run.


                                  Who said that 4k+ are the most enjoyable ? :D

                                  4ks are full of retards with huge ego's that go afk when u steal 1 creep or when u take the bounty rune unitentionally when they have a bottle and u not.

                                  Paid actor


                                    what u described has nothing to do with rating, ive seen imba flaming on 7k average games, or courier feeding min 4 on 6.5k average


                                      Im just sayin that 4ks+ is well know of its shitstorm in almost every game which does not happen in other brackets. Everyone here thinks that he should already be on leaderboards but the team holds him back:P


                                        I also calibrated on this account for party MMR 4.5k and I'm literally about to calibrate for solo(finally got to level 50).

                                        I don't think I deserve 4.5k yet, because I just feel I can't be consistent and play good all the time in 4.5k or close to that.

                                        I am trying to play my roles and my heroes, but also, I started to change few things. Might be wrong, but I think I improved at least a bit.

                                        My main is 3.5k atm, and highest was flat 4k.

                                        Even if you can maintain your winrate in 4.5k, it doesn't mean you'll deserve that MMR in my opinion.

                                        Also, don't forget that you actually bought account, so, we don't even know if system would calibrate you that high in the first place.

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                                          Then don't take the bounty rune when you don't have a bottle! Simple!

                                          Trust me those that say retards are playing at the 4K level is beyond me.

                                          Have you guys actually played below 1K - I believe it's been a long time since that was the case for most of you.

                                          Until then you really have no idea what retards actually are!


                                            Retard is a word with many meanings. :P In 4ks its not the way the play but the way they behave. :)

                                            Actually 1k accounts are worth some dollars :D If u have one u can be rich.


                                              U don't have to pick core heroes to prove u deserve the mmr.
                                              Neither do you need to prove that you can stomp lower brackets to deserve higher mmr.

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                Unless you are playing on a 7k account you can get away playing low impact supports (lich) and slow down the decline to your true MMR on a bought account which is why he is sitting at 45% rather than 40-30%.

                                                Paid actor


                                                  Then what do u think makes u deserve the mmr?
                                                  Keepin 2 wards in the rune spot all the game and stay way from harms way while hoping for the best??

                                                  And yea u need to stomp lower brackets, especially when we r talkin 1k+ lower. And if by any chance he only plays support and nothing else, u will need more than 57 games to prove anything conisdering he plays exclusively 5th position, which considering that its the 4.5k bracket that is the lowest impact role.

                                                  I know some1 will start shittin about how supporting is hard and the immense amount of game knowledge and skill it requires but i can safely say that a good number of 4.5k players dont excel at decision makin nor at map awareness (and ive been in that shithole for over a year 4.6-4.8 bouncin back and forth). In 4.5k mmr 9/10 times the game is lost coz 1 of the cores has some "innovative" idea about the game, or feeds beyond redemption, or gets hit by existential crisis and ends up feedin couriers since min 5 >.<. What im sayin is that if in this bracket there 2 players with higher mmr than the rest the 1 that picks support ends up losing the game, and that happens tones of times in party mmr where some1 is rly high mmr while the rest r low 4k, 9/10 times that the high mmr dude picks a support the game ends up in a stomp the moment that the high mmr player of the other team gets a carry. idk about other brackets cant tell since ive never been higher or lower.


                                                    dude who gives a shit if you managed to keep it, just be glad that you did and keep playing on it, if thats what makes you feel good

                                                    Grilled Chicken

                                                      Bot matches helps in profilelevel increase ? He literally played only normalskilled or passive bots matches ! How the fuck is that !

                                                      Grilled Chicken

                                                        @perfect is shit ....
                                                        U got ur solo mmr buddy ?


                                                          well i think being able to keep 50% winrate over a large sample of games is satisfactory enough.

                                                          also sometimes the skillset that lets you roll over 3ks and 4ks are the exact same things that cause you to go 0-10 against 5ks and 6ks.

                                                          Neither am i speaking as a person who is stuck in 4k or whatever, ive played and boosted many accounts from low mmr. It requires a huge mentality shift. Ive went on feeding sprees after playing on my main for so long because everyones literally brain dead and doing super confusing stuff.

                                                          nothing to comment about ur statement about supports.


                                                            lol B4N3 badman is twice ur mmr

                                                            lm ao

                                                              LICH DOOM AHAHAHA


                                                                @All these retards that say I have less than 50% win rate in ranked so im going to drop. I already pointed out that account was 3-7 on ranked when I got it, I've stayed even on MMR in solo ranked games i've played after 57 games. You can see account seller calibrated with QoP in first 10 ranked games and went 3-7, so there's that. In Solo ranked games I've stayed exactly even on MMR over 57 games. Also to all these retards talking about "Low Impact supports" make me laugh such as King of Low Prio who by looking at his profile you can see he hasn't played a support once in the last 5 months. So he clearly doesn't know anything about support and is one of these players who instantly highlights mid or safe lane every single game and thinks that all that matters is dat shiny KDA and has no appreciation for what his supports did for him zoning out offlaner/stacking/pulling/securing runes/smoke ganking mid etc. Also Dav who thinks supporting is nothing more than "Keepin 2 wards in the rune spot all the game and stay way from harms way while hoping for the best??", yeah you're right, that's all supporting is, just throwing out a couple of wards and hoping to get carried. Really shows how little some of these players who only spam cores and almost never support actually know what the other roles in the game entail.


                                                                  Play 100 or 200 ranked games more and if you stay at same mmr, then you can be quite sure that you improved a lot and you actually play your role close enough for that mmr.

                                                                  Paid actor


                                                                    Ur 3k skills show even in ur comments u keep tunnel visioning diffrent sentences, u need some "map awarness".
                                                                    If u wanna think u deserve to be on 4.5k just be that and dont bother to ask for opinions in the forum unless u can handle them.

                                                                    1 million dollar question: Why in ur "deserved 4.5k games" our of 57 of them u have played only 4-5 times in a core possition while in ur main account the 3 most played heroes r cores.

                                                                    We should hurry and all buy accounts apparently, next lvl of showin skill. Jesus Christ u cant be more delusional.

                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                      Because I spammed core when I first started laying the game, 90/120 of my void games are right when I started playing Dota and in unranked (when I didn't know anything), DP was spammed all through 2k bracket like 1 year ago. If you look at my ranked games on original account the last few months it's almost exclusively support as that is the position I have been working on and focusing on almost entirely. I think my support play is good enough to be around 4.3k to 4.5k but definitely not my core, if I played Core/Mid in 4k mmr I would do poorly like you say. As to "not being able to handle comments" I am simply replying to what you are saying. Also 58 games on the account and now and higher mmr than when I started thank you very much.

                                                                      Support almost every game in ranked in last few months:

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                                                                      Holy Roman Empire

                                                                        He says he started 3 7 now he is 25 MMR higher so he should have lost 3 more game than he has won. Use your brain please. Percentage is meaningless. Count the numbers.

                                                                        Paid actor


                                                                          idk what u r sayin but u can click ur own main account and u dont even need to start searchin coz the entire page is filled with ranked games on OD/sniper and shit like that, i cant see a single support played and those games r from 20hours ago. unless u have started to support with ursa and sniper, what u said on the previous comment was just dust in the wind. Im not shit talkin im just sayin what is proof printed on ur dotabuff page.

                                                                          And just 1 thing dont take it personal, if u come to ask a question u aint supposed to start givin the answer, unless u r here to brag about ur new found wisdom, but trust me that hollow brovado aint rly impressive its more like failed attempt at gettin noticed.

                                                                          Anyway do what u like to do as long as u feel happy about it.

                                                                          Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                                            4.5k "higher"

                                                                            Holy Roman Empire

                                                                              Oh he actually lied xD. 45.95% winrate on 74 games this means that he won 34 games and lost 40. If we remove the 3 7 from the acc buyer itll be 31 33. U still lost 2 more than you won. So you are going to drop at this rate.


                                                                                @WoDota some losses are in TBD party mmr, in solo mmr after 58 games I'm +25 from where I started. So I'm going to increase at this rate right? And @Dav knew you would point out the 3-4 cores I have played recently in party mmr with my friend, shows yur tunnel vision, lol down the list for first 2 pages you see lion lion dazzle dazzle etc.

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                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  and some of those wins are party mmr

                                                                                  this account buyer is sooo delusional it is sad


                                                                                    LMAO high skill players complaining about account buyers

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      Sano still salty I wont carry him anymore


                                                                                        @King of low priority

                                                                                        Obviously I've lost more party games than I've won or my solo mmr wouldn't be +25


                                                                                          ITT: salty, jealous 3ks and 4ks.

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            How is lich low impact? He dominates any lane, either solo or for his carry, his ult is amazing. He falls off a bit super late game but that's it.

                                                                                            Also this is all anecdotal evidence but every time I creep towards that very high skill cutoff my games get a lot more toxic, usually 2 or 3 people fighting over mid and the rest all want hard carries safe, nobody wants to play support and everyone sucks at support as well. And yup, people rage if you mess with their cs. I have two theories about why this is: 1. They smurfed to get there thus can only play mid spammers like zeus and shit, 2. they spammed mids and fotm carries to rank up to get there so they can only play shit like jug and troll.


                                                                                              @ ARteZ, I just got level 50 few mins ago. About to calibrate. I'll let you know when I calibrate.


                                                                                              I know I told you 9 hours ago i got to level 50, but it was actually level 49 and a half.

                                                                                              Now I'm officialy level 50, and about to play solo-ranked-calibration in a row(all 10 of them).

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                                                                                                @King of Low Priority
                                                                                                It's called not getting caught in chrono while letting bear/Drowning push, maybe if you ever played support in your life you would know something about squishy support positioning so you don't die and can't get your key ult off

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                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  My bad never realized the counter to void was to sit in the fountain and hope I get carried


                                                                                                    Classic mid/carry spammer who would rather play core and lose than support and win and knows nothing about the other positions in the game.