General Discussion

General DiscussionNever seen a better fail of a smurf than this

Never seen a better fail of a smurf than this in General Discussion
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    in his cali games (which he lost btw .. like all of them) he spammed oracle 8 out of 11 times and spammed heal. still his cali was at 4,3-4,5k in the end while he started w normal/high skill cali games. fuck this shit. this mmr system is just garbage.
    abusers gonna abuse.


      isnt that a success if u calibrate higher than ur starting point

      plz do

        if u think thats true, then u need to stop lying to urself


          nah, eSpeon is true.

          the aim of the smurf guy was to calibrate as high as possible, and apparently he calibrated WAY above his real mmr, so he got what he wanted. Therefore, for him it is a huge success.


            So ranked games will soon be full of oracle noobs spamming heal and doing nothing else?

            Not like this...


              you forgot about shred

              this will be sooner or later fixed, just like zeus spammers


                time to make money



                  plz do

                    i like and respect boosters/teachers/professionals, who actually can make a living out of dota2 based on their skill. this smurf is bad and abuses - thats fraud. and fraud will be only successful so long.


                      Wait, by having high heal as Oracle you get to calibrate at 4k? Nice.

                      Tbh I calibrated 500-800 MMR higher for my MMR, but I never spamed anything or abused anything.

                      I did my best and tried my best. So it's not the same for me and this guy. And you know it.

                      Only similuar thing is we got got calibrated above our rating.

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                        Most smurfs are retards anyways, 2k/3k players that think they belong in 4.5k+

                        Good to see them drop down.

                        plz do

                          u calibrated on ur probably right level of skill and didnt abuse anything. so dont worry about it. that guy has a 0%wr in ranked and yet plays 4,5k ranked games, because he has 30k healing every round.


                            I don't worry about anything. haters gona hate I guess, you can't help it.

                            I doubt it's my "right level of skill" tho. System is just narrow minded sometimes. I can play on that level, with SF/Slark, but it doesn't mean I deserve it yet.

                            There is thing called desicion making, itemazation and so on, and I don't have troubles admiting I still lack that.

                            As soon as I fix that, I think I'll get 4.1-4.2k on my main way easier, and slowly work towards wanted 4.5k.

                            It's just stupid and retarded, because, system is flawed so fucking much, people will ruin games at every bracket because it'll place them in wrong MMR.

                            If you check for your last games, you'll see that often you'll get people with less then 300 games overall.

                            They don't hav to be smurfs, but they also can be lower MMR, even tho they'll play with you regardless of that fact.

                            It's also stupid that even if you LOSE game during calibration, you get to maintain or even go higher, as long as you have positive KDA, good TD/HD/CS/GPM/XPM, but if you LOSE game when you play ranked, you lose MMR regardless.

                            Makes no sense to me, tbh. I understand they need to take something into coinsideration, because otherway they will not be able to give you MMR, but abusing/calibrating higher then you deserve is actually ruining ANY DECENT mmr.

                            Even tho 3500-4000 might not be HIGH, and is still BAD, because of things mentioned above, it's harder to get out.

                            If player like me can calibrated 4.5k for solo on my smurf, and trust me, I don't even think I am good at this game, at least, not yet, what's criteria for fucking 3.5-4k MMR calibration?

                            Lose 10 games and have decent stats? OR just abuse Oracle, I guess.

                            Also, my friend who's 2.7k calibrated 3.6k. I'm quite sure system is retarded now.


                              Wouldn't doing this with oracle end you in LPQ?

                              lm ao

                                Oracle's damage from purifying flames counts as hero damage?


                                  There's probably less of a chance that @ 2k or low 3k players get to calibrate 4.5k if they don't abuse something, but they can calibrate still 500-800 MMR above their skill and ruin the games that way aswell.

                                  It's easy to crush games in 3k if you're 5.5k+ yourself, but not all of us are that good. and some of us just want to see "4.500" and quit ranked for good, at least me, I'm not gonna lie.

                                  But I don't want to ABUSE anything in order to get it. I want to learn and earn my 4500, problem is, it gets hard when you as 3500-4000 MMR have to carry over-calibrated 3600 MMR acc which is actually just @ 2k mmr in reallity.


                                    There is a reason EmotionalDrift calibrated at 3.6-3.8k and in his case thats mostly cause he actually deserves it. Games with him are usually really easy and he does his support job quite well. Do you think it's a coincidence that you won 9/10 party games with him? Nop.

                                    Btw - you finnaly admited you just wanted high rating and not actually get better at the games, plus points for honesty bro :D

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                                    plz do

                                      no it doesnt, if u cast it on teammate. then it just counts as healing...

                                      @Positive Attitude Player :)
                                      i reported him at least, but mb his teammates think that he is awesome healerboy.

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                                        CDEC, I want high rating, I never said I don't want it. BUt I want to earn it, learn it and deserve it.

                                        I don't want to fake it. If I wanted to fake it, I would never get back here, on my main. I would proclaim myself 4.5k mmr player.

                                        But I know I'm not there yet.

                                        Trust me, he's my best irl friend, and I don't think you're right.

                                        If he deserves @ 3.6k, he would get out of 2.7k MMR easily, there's a good reason why I can get out of 2k and crush them like I'm 5k player(and I'm not, I know), and I can't do that in 3.5-4k.

                                        My point is that, he is not good support player. Tell me what you want, but, support player is supposed to know(good one) basics of supporting, lane eqalibrium, pulling aggro tricks, how to pull, when to pull and so on.

                                        I can assure you he will drop in low 3k/2k if he keeps playing, unless he actually improve.

                                        I agree he got better, obviosly, from playing with better players - and that's why I made my smurf. To get better and finally(hopefully) in near time get 4500 MMR on my main.

                                        Because, let's be honest, there's nothing wrong in wanting high MMR. It's just I want to earn it the right way, I want to get there from my main, not from my smurf account.

                                        I izvini sto sam ti vredjao majku i seku. To nije bilo lepo ali, iznervirao si me. :)

                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                          I sound a bit confusing, I see. I think he got better, but I don't think he's legit 3.5-4k player yet, he still needs to work on his supporting skills and he needs to work on his attidude.

                                          Up to him, and this is just my opinion , as 3.5-4k player myself, I would not like to meet him in my solo-ranked games yet.


                                            @ hushush, I just saw his account one more time.

                                            His ranked games aren't solo ranked, he's playing party-ranked with someone. He's not level 50 yet.

                                            saving private RTZ

                                              Shred when are you calibrating on smurf?

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                glad I get to give free coaching lessons to these smurfn fgts


                                                  I already did, I got 4451 mate.

                                                  Farming Simulator

                                                    Also had a TBD Oracle spammer in one of my games... Glad to see that his one was apparently forced into lowprio where he proceeded to lose 5 games in a row, looks like he wont leave low prio for a while.
                                                    Also, i dont mind haveing people with inflated MMR in my bracket (4,8k), it just makes it easier for me to climb up by stomping them.
                                                    Now the real problem is, that some of these inflated idiots pick cores and think they can carry in a mmr way above theirs, resulting in getting stomped hard. I have had my fair share of people not beeing able to lasthit empty lanes and/or control the creeps on an empty lane, which makes me wonder how anyone with close to 5k mmr can be that bad....

                                                    Grilled Chicken

                                                      @Perfect is shit .... ur solo is 4451 now ? I thought u never played ur last calibrating match ! Well done though

                                                      bum farto

                                                        I can calibrate accounts for people if they want. EZ -25 but 4500+

                                                        I actually can give people a couple accounts precalibrated, or message my main man Paris I am sure he has a couple 4-5k accounts on hand.


                                                          ARTeZ, yeah, I calibrated at 4451 and abandon it for now. I'm back on my main.

                                                          I'll probably sell it or exchange it for some Dota 2 items, depends. But not sure yet, we'll see.

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                                                          plz do

                                                            hahahahahaha, and 4,5k in no time xDDDD go to low prio fuckin dick head



                                                              So fucking sad.

                                                              plz do

                                                                there will be prob like 10000 inflated 4-5k accounts by the time valve fixed this. gl hf in that bracket.


                                                                  I guess you can monitor the trend of oracles winrate - if its remaining constant then the abuse isn't common, it's a very basic view though


                                                                    (assuming that the healing abuse gives you a smaller chance to win than the avg oracle winrate)

                                                                    Actually nvm, pick rate is more relevant than winrate here

                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                      Ok boys, time to make a smurf and ruin games for others xD Finally an oportunity to show the world my mad supporting skills 4Head Elegiggle


                                                                        Oracle pick rate 1 week ago:

                                                                        Oracle ick rate today:

                                                                        Overall pick rate increase over one week = ~38%

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                                                                        plz do

                                                                          i got 3 games in a row w oracle heal spammers. nicela

                                                                          plz do

                                                                            there are roughly 60 million dota 2 users.. puts ur wannabe numbers into perspective.

                                                                            Farming Simulator

                                                                              9 games and he is still in low prio :)


                                                                                it used to be hd, now it's hh. lol wp volvo new 5k


                                                                                  gotta check profiles fast and be ready to dodge now

                                                                                  plz do

                                                                                    ^ not playing ap helps.