General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you sometimes see a playa pick a hero but not play him the recomme...

Do you sometimes see a playa pick a hero but not play him the recommended way? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Based on your personal exp how do you play your heroes? Is it a mix? U have a standard build n items? Or adapt most of d time? Thoughts?


      I only play a standard build on one hero, the rest I look at forums/ people who rekt me on my lane and try to make them my own :v


        usually just go with the flow of the game but in a way that still follows my standard build that I go

        King of Low Prio

          I get flamed for going tranq on BH, then I carry them and they stfu

          Pale Mannie

            I realized that arcane boots are good for Pudge when enemies have stat steal like Silencer

            Pale Mannie

              So i play mostly defensive or i would die too frequently and enemy team is mostly 5 manning after 10 minutes


                I've only ever lose as omniknight when I do not play him as a carry. Its ridiculous how easy it is to carry as him, he can flash farm stacks with his nuke, have free infinite bkb and what's essentially a skadi aura. Plus, he has the ability to become completely invulnerable for up to 7or8 second.

                Paid actor


                  Takin it from ur name u r probably trolling, but when i see ur normal skill u might be serious idk, but im sure it should be fun to play omni carry.


                  I usually have standart build, but sometimes u might need items to counter some1, so its mostly the same with a few changes here and there.


                    i try my own build if the hero allows it, or if the game allows it

                    < blank >

                      6 Boots Alche


                        IMO blademail is item which in some games can be made on almost every hero. Especially with this sniper/weaver conquering pubs nowadays.


                          Any popular build is the best items/skills build in any situation, but somehow still need some adjustment for not a single game run same like other. Also should consider what best for our team and the enemies.


                            I usually go bf on Alchemist intstead of radi cos its ezy to finish even if u die. And it works, but with shadow blade, ac, basher not radi manta.


                              this build has evertyhing you need : armor, attack speed, agility, strength, intelligence, heal+mana


                                forgot to add move speed

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                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    Every hero has a certain 6 slotted scenario that's ideal for what the hero's designed for, but you need to adjust for every game, obviously. I've seen some carry omnies that actually did pretty well.


                                      RIKI ROAM
                                      ITS PRETTY GUD SEE MY PLAYED GAMES


                                        What I normally do is research and find builds that work and once I'm comfortable with the hero in question I can change the build based on the game ( I.E. With Antimage ill have games with constant fighting where I skip vlads and go straight into manta) or with lion I'll go different items past blink based on the game....... Sometimes aggs occasionally a sheep stick....... I had a game against a pugna yesterday where I went greaves

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                                          Bad Intentions

                                            ^Yo kitrak, kindly elaborate pls


                                              I usually adapt. But my Slardar is carry, no matter what. I know elite dudes play him with tranqs and force staff and shit but it's no use in normal skill.
                                              I like Abaddon supporting, but I end up doing all the work so I might as well start playing him as carry.


                                                There's core items on heroes that shouldn't be overlooked. i'll follow these most of the time. there's always some weird preferences that i have on some heroes.. but when it comes to extension items I like to mix it up, and try to select the best items for that particular game.

                                                I think this is a good way to learn; to find out what works and what doesn't, rather than just blindly following some guide without actually thinking about it..


                                                  I always play heroes my own way, because I'm less likely to fail like that. But most of the time they're something close to the recommended ways xD