General Discussion

General DiscussionFlyer for university

Flyer for university in General Discussion

    Hey, I wanted to make a flyer for my university to find more Dota people. Something like: Hey, you play dota? I'm gonna fuck you, come at me KappaPride
    No but seriously, I think you know what I'm thinking about. The thing is I have no clue about how to make a flyer designwise. Anyone here can help me out or did something like this already and wants to share his content?
    I thought about creating a Facebook group which will be the anchor point the flyer is referencing to.

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    plz do

      dunno man, just put a rare pepe on the flyer and everyone will luv u 4ever.


        i came here to tell you " nice name "

        now i go away


          thank u
          i love kfc