General Discussion

General DiscussionFor some motherfu*king reason i cant win with pa

For some motherfu*king reason i cant win with pa in General Discussion
Boundless Strike in Gaben...

    i just cant...its impossible.....not just my last 2 games with her....ive played so many before and i just cant seem to do it

    its not that i just su*k

    i end up with 600+ gpm with all my items + kills + tower damage but in the end some shit happens and i cant close the game.....whether the last game with a fu*king ck or with the one before that with a spec

    both games early - mid i rekt them all it was ez then all of a sudden they've got their fu*king items and im getting my sh*t kicked doing my level best not to blame my team so im referring to myself

    i mean one or 2 games fine i can say my team was sh*t....but all of my games???? no way/...somethings not happening

    my win rate on pa is trash and not because i played sh*t...i did actually well but how the fu*k do i get fucked in the late game again and again

    i mean check out my last game....ursa invo sniper es i can deal with ive got my bkb and my satanic easy right

    how the fu*k do i deal with the ck? so i make a bf and skip my sny but nope he still fu*ks me over and ends up carrying the game

    since thsi is normal skill i cant rely on my team to do anything so how the fu*k do i deal with a ck in the late and check out those items

    its a fu*king travesty really

    i just cant win with this shit hero like at all

    < blank >

      EE syndrome


        She super susceptible to magic nukes at the moment. BKB isn't the first big item you want to get unless you're already losing, and magic/nuking got a big buff last year.


          As someone who also struggles with PA a bit, I've found that it comes down to a few things. How well you can last hit and your item build seem to matter the most. Not dying helps.

          Like, if you get a bfury before 15 minutes and then don't farm, you're doing it wrong.

          You have to remember that PA melts to nukes and MKB carriers.

          My preference is to carry in the mid game and dominate team fights. No battlefury. Just basher, dommy and BKB. Least that's my opinion.

          Just make sure they don't counter you. That's pretty important. Do that and you should do with fine.

          Boundless Strike in Gaben...

            as a pa how the hell do i deal with a ck?


              Just dont pick her unless shes right against the enemy team. Both those games the teams were too tanky and CC heavy. Pick her into a lineup with high mobility/ escape heros and go RoA, PMS, Phase boots, HoD, Basher, BKB if you need it.

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                Livin' Real Good

                  I think she gets shitted on by CK, especially if he makes MKB, She's DONE.

                  SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                    Play more PA op


                      Ur reason son is called Silver Edge
                      One hit and you take the highway to the dumbster,Idd she has great laning and orb of venom is huge on her with new dagger but man hero is shit once hit with SE