General Discussion

General DiscussionIs necronomicon an underrated "winning" item?

Is necronomicon an underrated "winning" item? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Mainly for supports or non carry positions? where sometimes you can't really right click but should probably resort to TD? Thoughts?


      I never buy necro cos I can't micro for shit


        Don't know how to use necronomicon well but I love to see someone die from killing Necronomicon warrior :3

        [RR53] RR

          Necro is in a price range of MKB and Manta and such. It's by no means an item for support. And if support has a 5k gold item in a reasonable time, you won already.


            ^this, supports need small items like aether, glimmer, force etc. biggest item is probably agha or bkb for support in 4k price range with good buildup (bkb not so much but +10 str is still nice) . u cant spend 5k gold as support on such an item that isnt spent better in most cases


              quite a choice when you are going deathball/rat draft, or needs the true sight as your team goes. otherwise waste of 5k


                its ok for enigma

                inner corpse

                  necro is great item, but for supports it isnt viable one. Mainly because necro 2/3 is strongest at 15-25min mark then it drops in efficency when it comes to team fights extremely fast, and obviously supports cant really afford necro 2/3 in such time frame, esp in slow paced game even if they skip wards and everything else

                  Riguma Borusu

                    mass necro's viable ultra ultra lategame, cause it doesn't matter how weak the necro units are, they can still help you rat rat rat

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                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      Good to get more of these on supps if you have a lycan on your team.

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                      Dire Wolf

                        It's underrated in general, any hero that can farm but isn't really a right clicker can make good use of it. Idk why you say it's not good late those minions hit for a ton of dmg. Like invoker and necrophos maybe even a mirana can make use but you wouldn't want to build it on a hero like Sven

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