General Discussion

General DiscussionSPECTRE VS MEDUSA ( SOLVED )

SPECTRE VS MEDUSA ( SOLVED ) in General Discussion
    watch this video i made
    people are arguing about a 1v1 battle on spec and medusa
    i saw a lot of people on reddit are saying that they should get this items and make them fight 1 v 1
    these are the results

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      yeah because dota is a 1v1 rightclick battle


        are you clinically retarded or do you actually assume that's how fights are gonna go on dota?

        EDIT: and a spectre not building diffusal against a medusa is just a non existant scenario

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            these are the other results
            i tried clicking manta on both , spectre won
            i tried putting divine on medusa replacing daeda , medusa won
            i tried making them both use their skill , medusa won
            i tried replacing heart with skadi on spec , medusa won
            i tried replacing daeda with diffu 2 on spec , medusa won
            i tried replacing daeda with divine on spec , spec won
            i tried replacing mkb with blademail on spec , spec won
            i tried replacing mkb with blademail on medusa , medusa won
            i tried replacing daeda with mjolnir on medusa , spec won
            i tried replacing daeda with linken on medusa , spec won
            i tried making them fight with no item , spec won

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              many people are arguing about just right click 1 v 1 battle on the both so i tried so resolve the matter




                  all the battles I tried was 3 fights each and one who reaches 2 kills first was the winner


                    WTF is this shieeeeet :P


                      Dire Wolf

                        rofl that's the dumbest test. First spec is going to go diffusal, probably not daedulus, and medusa is probably not building daedulus either, probably scythe or linkens if vs a spec, maybe even bkb. Medusa is going to ult, spec is going to ult, medusa is going to have split shot on to wipe team, she's probably not going to be sitting alone so spec does full desolate dmg to her etc etc.


                          well this is just a 1v1 battle and the builds are based on reddit and the popular thread says that these items are what the both should get
                          i also tried replacing some items with some and the results are commented on this thread also u can see it


                            i mean medusa got like 4-5 hits before spectre approached him


                              medusa has dumb items, spectre needs manta difusal


                                i mean not dumb but u dont buy daedalus mkb on medusa


                                  ya because she is ranged u cant expect medusa to wait for spectre to go near her right ?
                                  lets say ur a sniper and your enemy is a slark you would not wait for him to get near you before you hit right ?


                                    i tried putting diffusal on spec but around 5 tries medusa won like 3-4 times because of the crit


                                      lol dude are you dumb, spectre ulti and go on medusa instantly


                                        its not like you see a wild spectre running at heroes trying to kill them


                                          medusa woukld win if she has ulti ready, spectre will win if not


                                            i would say in a real 1v1 situation for example they meet at the jungle by themselves and their team is away , spectre would win 100% because when i tried clicking manta on spec and medusa , spec melts the illu and after that medusa wont last 3 second on spectre with the illus around even if medusa would click her ss spec would just back out for like 2-3 sec and haunt and reality away until the ss of medusa expires and reengage with the her ss again and rape medusa

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                                              you called ulti SS so i assume you are from SEA


                                                yep yep yep


                                                  there are too many situations, in teamfight if medusas team is close, when spec ulti> he ulti and all illusions are gone > medusas team safe

                                                  then they can just push or something


                                                    I just favored the majority here in the item builds , if i were the medusa in real game i would not invest on crit rather i would buy divine instead
                                                    but the majority of people in reddit said that builds so i just go with them


                                                      51%medusa win
                                                      49%spec win


                                                        51%medusa win
                                                        49%spec win


                                                          the majority of people on reddit are below 3k mmr


                                                            thats why they build daedalus on slark, jugger, antimage, medusa


                                                              ya i know too but i just tried to settle the dusa vs spec case in 1v1 battle coz most of people are going around with saying saying , spec will win with bla bla bla bla , NO dusa will win if she has bla bla bla . like that
                                                              in a real 5v5 with spec and dusa carries on both sides i would favor the one with spec in terms of who has the strongest carry


                                                                i also tried other items see the comment on top mostly spec won
                                                                i just posted this video because as i said majority of people said this builds


                                                                  Daedalus is now the highest flat damage item after rapier, so I usually build it on Medusa if I don't need MKB and if Rapier is too risky.

                                                                  Although I don't even have any MMR so my opinion is irrelevant. :P

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                                                                    what about pa or jugger, if rapier is risky buy daedalus


                                                                      there are just better items for medusa man


                                                                        ^What would you recommend as a damage item for Medusa if Rapier is too risky?

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          No shit spec mostly won cus with manta, diffusal and desolate he does like 900000 dps. Spec annihilates people standing alone cus of desolate.

                                                                          And team fights there's a lot more counters to a farmed up spec than a farmed up medusa. Medusa's only counters are mana burns, and she can still bkb. Spec anyone gets silver edge and he's fucked, and cc him and he's fucked, silence him so he can't get ulti off and he's fucked (probably has manta for this), duel him with lc and he's fucked, etc etc. So I don't know, it's really hard to qualify, you'd need to see entire team setups, item choices etc.


                                                                            there is no such thing as rapier on medusa too risky
                                                                            if you have some shit like linken manta skadi how can rapier be risky

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              Try giving medusa a bkb and have her pop it right after spec uses manta, she'll kick his ass every time.


                                                                                Fair enough. I'll try getting Rapier as my major Damage item next game


                                                                                  treads aquila yasha > manta/linken>skadi something like this im sure rapier is ok at this point

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    not if they have nyx, necro and am =)

                                                                                    but with no counters sure!


                                                                                      tomorrow i will first pick medusa carrym, and see how they will counter me


                                                                                        do u not respect the Special Skill sunris


                                                                                          kappa )))


                                                                                            this is a pointless thread, medusa shouldnt be put in a 1v1 battle. I know you're just curious about the 1v1 but a 6 slotted Medusa has a way higher chance of winning a real game even if spec has the same amount of farm. Her ult instantly kills illusions and a bkb on her means no mana burn, by the time you kill the dusa she wouldve killed your whole team. I myself am pretty good at playing spectre but I have never won against a farmed Dusa no matter how farmed I am.




                                                                                                spec with diffu 2 replaced on daeda and i tried replacing it also on mkb didnt won against medusa


                                                                                                  IT DOESNT MATTER


                                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                                      @dream what you want to do is wait until they pick a hard carry who needs safe lane, then pick medusa. Retarded opposing team will insta lock AM to counter you, so one of their shit carries will be forced off. It's so fucking funny when it happens and then they all bitch about carry farm all game.

                                                                                                      I think it was this match? I don't recall, am gets isnta locked vs medusa all the time and ends up with a horrible lane almost always.


                                                                                                      just don't pick her if it looks like a naturally good am team, ie they have a strong middle, they picked two supports already for possible trilane. Other than an AM on a team that caters to him nothing is that scary, invoker's shit can be dodged most times, spec is well spec like we said, nyx is bad but who plays nyx? Smart juggers will go manta + diffusal, that can be bad sometimes.


                                                                                                        Medusa kills illusions so yeah obv medusa wins vs spectre