General Discussion

General DiscussionVery High Skill and High Skill?

Very High Skill and High Skill? in General Discussion

    I created this account and started smurfing lol, my main acc has 3.4kmmr but I wanna know how to reach all games in VHS??
    I played a game in VHS but then i droped out in HS again...

    wanna know if I can reach in this start the VHS and that game I played in VHS does it mean i was playing with 4k+ players ??

    srry for my bad english.


      you can still get into VHS, but it will be a bit harder. just stump some games with big scores. same happened on my 1st smurf long ago when i was 3k or lower. took me lots of tries to get into VHS.


        oh thanks for the quick reply :) hope I'm gonna reach that VHS :).

        anw how mmr u calibrated and how mmr u have now ?


          1st time in dota 2, i calibrated at 2,6k. couldnt get more than 3k
          1st smurf: 2,8k
          2nd smurf: 3k
          3rd smurf: 3k (took it to 3,4 or so)
          on 4th i finally reached VHS into normal games.
          4th smurf: 3,6k (here i already improved myself a lot in terms of farming and KDA. started dieing less visibly and got 7+ cs/min on main heroes from 4-5 on 3k)
          now im at 3,8k after a long dota break, but im not planning to play solo anymore. i will reach 4,5k party with my friend that is also high 3k solo. as you can see, were doing a pretty good combo. we played together for years in both pubs and tournaments

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            nice then thanks for the info man and GL&HF in other games :)


              thanks, you too