General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy blink on jugger?

Why blink on jugger? in General Discussion

    Blink is the 13th most bought item on jugger, and for a 2k gold item it has a 66% winrate.
    Compare this to mkb, the 15th most bought item, it costs more than double but has a 67% winrate.
    Looking at the guides section, almost everyone buys a blink dagger.

    These statistics suggest that blink is a strong item on juggernaut.

    My question is why? I understand that blink is a good item in general, but why specifically on jugger?
    Is it that he can farm faster with it? Or that he can blink omnislash with it?

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      You can:

      - farm faster
      - pick off people
      - combo it with Abysall
      - escape by using ulty while Dagger CD resets
      - chase/escape in general
      - split push better


        Blink omnislash for solokills, if u walk to ppl usually u get silenced
        Blink +battlfury famr (like am)


          blink+mkb = 133% winrate
          you literally can't lose with that


            what people said, + you can blink and kill people on hg when u have aegis, etc


              I think you can also use it during Omnislash to blink to an enemy hero that's alone, or blink away from enemy team just before Omnislash ends to ensure an escape.

              Edit: I should really see if people have mentioned what I'm saying before I say it. X_X

              Este comentario fue editado
              Dune, the Desert Planet

                ^ I said that.


                  Sorry I'm half asleep and skimmed through your comment^

                  yung griphook

                    i think mkb has a high winrate on jug because it's not a core item. Most people get it is like their 5th or 6th slot lets say, and if you're that rich at that point the game is won anyway

                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^Also you don't really get a blink if you're not ahead already or if you don't have a core item already depending on what your strategy is, even if you get it as a 2-3rd item.

                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        it's the rich man's shadowblade. Poor man get sb and play risky plays ults and sb out. I guess 3K and lower you go sb, 3K and above you go blink.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          no, it entirely depends on circumstances, shadowblade is a legit 3k+ item, you just don't spam it on every hero every game


                            "^Also you don't really get a blink if you're not ahead already or if you don't have a core item already depending on what your strategy is, even if you get it as a 2-3rd item."

                            BF > Yasha > blink is legit most of the time, it increases your farm and it pays off pretty quickly.

                            Drums > SNY > blink is also good.

                            It's amazing item on him.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              Yeah, but that's what I meant, you're not a blink initiator, you don't go treads/phase into blink, you get some stats before that. That's why I said it's not the same thing as blink winrate on shaker, legion or a similar initiation based hero, you get blink after battlefury and yasha, coupled with phase/treads that's already around 5.5k net worth + 2250 for blink. This is why jugg is going to have a higher blink winrate than most initiators, because he's not at brown boots when he gets his blink, so the data is kind of skewed towards getting it later and having better farm before it.


                                Yeah, that's true. :]