General Discussion

General DiscussionPuck -> how2play

Puck -> how2play in General Discussion
Falcon 鹰


    Paid actor

      1. pick puck
      2. Hit enemy ancient
      3. ???????
      4. Profit


        get blink/euls and juke like a madman


          "(If you're playing with Puck) look at your surroundings." -- s4

          Mr. Furryhentai



              @Triple "Juke like a madman"

              Dire Wolf

                just make sure you gank the shit out of opposing offlane so you carry can farm cus puck sucks late and won't win games for you, is very reliant on carries coming online.

                yung griphook

                  im pretty sure you just go mid and phase shift every right click that you can to show how big your dick is


                    How to kill:
                    *Go mid
                    *Call your carry to gank while enemy on river
                    *Orb, Jaunt
                    *Silence (killsteal)
                    How to farm:
                    *Go mid
                    *Deny your creeps
                    *Kill their creeps
                    *When enemy attacks you, Phase Shift
                    How to late-game:
                    *Orb, Jaunt in
                    *Dream Coil
                    *Orb, Jaunt out


                      How to win:
                      *Go mid
                      *Get farm
                      *Kill at lvl 6
                      *Build Dagon
                      *Build Ethereal Blade
                      *Use Ethereal Blade and Dagon after dat, Kills 4 days
                      *Dagon the Ancient and win game


                        OMG i posted a thread like this few months ago! Got Flamed for posting it! Don't even post threads about puck... YOu'll feel the wrath! trust me! :)

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