General Discussion

General DiscussionAverage gold per game

Average gold per game in General Discussion

    A lot of a build is dependent on how much gold you can farm.

    What is the typical amount of gold you get in a 45min plus game. This defines what items you can build and if you are able to 6 slot yourself.


      for which hero and position?

      Dire Wolf

        It depends a ton on hero, team comp, win or loss etc. Anti mage needs to farm 600+ gpm to win games, a spectre can do 400 gpm and still win if game goes late enough. Then obviously supports have way less gpm.


          400+ GPM is decent for most carries.
          But then, your GPM will depend on win/loss, hero played, kind of hero, ability to farm.

          Riguma Borusu


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              Ah, I'm a pub pleb, normal skill bro. If the game lasts long enough to get 400 GPM you're lucky.,

              Riguma Borusu

                Your average match time is 41min. If you're playing a farm-focused hero you should average 550+ But most people in NS/HS won't however.

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                  Yeah, with Medusa (and other intense farmers), I manage that. But I've always wanted a 500+ with Juggernaut, it never happens.

                  Dire Wolf

                    no 400 gpm is shit for any carry I was just making the point that certain carries like spectre can still be very effective with low gpm. Other carries can't at all. Over 500 is kind of the minimum for a good game, I'd say 600 is excellent unless you're anti mage or medusa. And remember this is for pubs, high ranked or group play carries should get more cus you'd expect supports to stack, zone more and give you more farm priority. In pubs you'll have lanes pushed, be tp'ing in and have a support nuke the whole wave and miss a ton of farm.

                    But it all depends on game. I barely broke 500 here, invoker only 473 but he had a really good effective game.

                    Here only 467 but there's an sf and medusa, no way a wk is going to out farm them or take priority, they both cleave jungle and waves so fast.

                    Jug is pretty easy to farm with, I'm surprised.
           and a loss at 475

                    You only have a couple jug games but you keep going battlefury and then getting like 3.5 cs/min. That's pretty bad, work on your farm rotations, don't be idle.

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                    RTZ STYLE

                      the golden mark is 550 but any thing around 500 is good


                        on my dota profile i have like 630 avg lmao

                        lm ao

                          U SMART

                          IN FACT U A GENIUS


                            i think that if u actually look through the resuts of high mmr pub matches or competitive games, you ll see that in most games that are close to even, carries's gpm in both teams is above 550, and usually even above 600.
                            400 gpm means that u either lost terribly, or ur tteam was carried by someone else.


                              You gotta be kidding, jug is the easiest hero ever I swear, after my 40 odd games I AVERAGE a 600gpm with a few high 800 games in there, I know it's only normal skill but talking about 500 gpm in a jug is absolutely horrific.


                                if you play a carry with battlefury, aim for 800+ gpm. if you cant, well watch pros play and how they farm


                                  ^ TT i can only reach 600+