General Discussion

General DiscussionDota vs other video games

Dota vs other video games in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Obviously there's such thing as internet/video game addiction, most of the time it's either an escapist type of feeling whereby you construct a fantasy world in your mind which it's a pleasurable escape from reality or it's a action/reward system whereby you do something, get rewarded for it. The two are not mutually exclusive, take word of warcraft, easily the most popular mmo out there, you escape to this fake world, you play an avatar, and it's chock full of rewards for doing stuff over and over like killing monsters, get better gear. The trick there is it never ends, they give you just enough of a taste of reward to entice you to do more, but never enough that you're satisfied. In the end you better be enjoying the experience or it's just one big cruel joke, like you cannot "win" world of warcraft.

    So I've been thinking what is it about dota that sets it apart from other games? I've been playing video games my whole life and there have been times I've been totally engrossed in a game like dragon age origins. Played that for a couple months straight, it was amazing, but then it finished. Or mass effect series, same deal. But they all ended. So you move on to other games.

    However since starting dota the only game I want to play is dota. I have zero desire to find the next DA:O experience for me even though inquisition is out, I have no desire to even try it. If I don't have uninterrupted hours for matches I watch tv or do something else instead. No other games really grab my interest.

    And in the end this seems so stupid, cus half the time you lose and dota isn't that fun, yet I'm always compelled to go back and try again.

    I think maybe it's the competition, it's it that different from playing chess or poker? You're always trying to get better, even if it's same game board and pieces every time, the gameplay is never the same from game to game. Maybe that's it.

    I really wish I could figure it out though. My second kid is coming this summer and I know I'll have to quit cus dota doesn't have a pause for changing diapers and feeding kids etc. And I'm already dreading it. My first kid I played a lot of skyrim, idk what I'm going to do now, skyrim sounds boring now.


      play x-com


        -its competitive
        -the better you get, the more u enjoy it, cz u can understand more aspects of the game

        it would be reasonable to compare it to some kind of, well, chess. or poker. or basketball. or any other competitive game.

        a funk

          Congrats on the fam. It's probably more rewarding than any game could be.
          I find myself playing much dotes because of the replayability. It both is and is not the same game as the one I played back in the 2000s. Each major patch brings a new challenge. I played a lot of ability draft last year when I discovered the mode because it's so very different each game. Though dotes is a team game, it's a game against yourself also, akin to many other sports. Or, it can be, if improving your personal skill level is something you'd like to accomplish. Definitely addicting for me.

          In before "sub 50% winrate normal skill/your opinion doesn't matter" feel free to remind me though thanks

          Dire Wolf

            Rewarding might not be the word? lol idk, it's stressful, fun at times, dota is a good escape. I have no plans to give up gaming entirely but need to switch to single player for a while.

            Swap Commends

              At the end I thought you migh say how toxic the community is and why it is stress full than other games !!!
              You have a very positive view though,GL

              Dire Wolf

                Dota is a game it doesn't stress me out. Actually at times the flames are great cus I can actually yell at people. Can't really yell at a three year old for being a three year old


                  You can yell at them for being shit at being a three year old though

                  Bad Intentions

                    Yo dire sup, sup man.

                    The youtube highlight plays man, even the little things.

                    Dat makes u play dotes man :]


                      I've found that any 1st person shooter is good when you get family stuff coming up. I just got more hours on the job and a girl I got interested in so I switched to Black Ops online / Skyrim / Far Cry 4 + any other good campaigning game out there (others = Borderlands / Bioshock / AoE2 or 3 / old classics like KotOR 1+2). It is so much easier when you know you can pick up the game, then drop it whenever - much better than having to abandon a game, or not play well because you are distracted in DotA 2.
                      Best of luck in your situation!

                      Este comentario fue editado

                        I organize my time of which hours I play dota and other games. Many games grab my attention, but dota just wants to keep staying. So I pretty much spend my morning (I wake up damn early) to play any other game then, in the afternoon, i play dota until its late. Right now, I am playing Fire emblem Fates every day in the morning until afternoon, then I dota the rest of the day.