General Discussion

General DiscussionBlink Dagger Addicted

Blink Dagger Addicted in General Discussion

    Well, im normal skill scrub who addicted by Blink Dagger,
    I dont know why when i use Dagg for Hero like snip i got reported by my team mate lol..
    I thing Dagger very usefull hehe


      your that riki troll huh

      Miku Plays

        force staff better for sniper ;)


          Blink is quite legit though. Positioning is so important in Teamfights, vital for splitpushing, increases farming speed..but i would reconsider the thought of buying it on sniper x)


            ^I saw it a few times and it was amazing every single time


              I buy it on almost every hero, but not sf


                Got Dragon Lance, then blink to the forest and get free hit.. huhu i enjoy it :v


                  that depend on heros on the other team i think i bought it for sniper twice
                  just look at 7kmmr match they buy blink for drow sniper jug


                    Ya I think dagger vaulue increase with skill level

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      If you're in normal skill like me. Shadowblade is better deal goldwise and also slows down enemy support GPM by 5-10 minutes. The only manditory blink item first requirement I would say would be tidehunter & Engima.

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                      Riguma Borusu

                        1) Shadowblade is trash if you need to be able to instantly jump in, it's however great against observer wards and for scouting in general, it's not an either or question and it's dumb to see it that way
                        2) Tidhunter doesn't even require blink for anything, he's better off getting a mek in all honesty, but you can go blink later
                        3) Enigma should get mek first both to tank up and be able to take further objectives with the team, though surprise blink into black hole works too

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                        Livin' Real Good

                          I hate Blink on SF, it's either shadow blade, or straight tank items (Sange and Yasha + Skadi) since i lack escape when not building it, then i'm good. :L

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                            try both blink and force staff. when all else fails, shadowblade