General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I win? 1k mmr scrub.

How do I win? 1k mmr scrub. in General Discussion

    So lately, I've been playing support due to the fact I random or my friends have 4.6k and I have to support. After my CM support, 0/16/14, I'm now playing with 2.5ks. I haven't played support for a while. I'm trying to win all of these games and I always lose because we got 0/10/6 LC (morphling game) dragging me down. I know that people say that I shouldn't blame my teammates but I have to blame somebody that's not me. I'm just so furious, that I only notice others mistakes instead of my own. BTW the morphling game was a party rank, average around 700 mmr. If you're wondering why I don't play solo rank is because I have 666 mmr and I can't ruin that. I'm always carrying my teammates, they charged in towers trying to get kills when they should be farming. I always build midas when I have around 20 LH at 5 min. I was wondering if you guys can help me.


      Don't pick morpling! I got out of 720 mmr because of Miku, but i went from 1250-2600 by myself afterwards.

      for 1250-1900 i won with Slark, easiest games ever but anything above 2k i struggle with Slark now :(

      I found Weaver incredible broken at 2k

      you can also try Necrophos ( Support/Carry) Riki, Spectre, Omiknight, Ursa

      Just pick easy snowball heros in the 1k bracket. Any invis. Clinkz is incredible as well


        pick riki


          You need to step up and improve your gamestyle. That's it.


            Necro is not a support.

            He is my most played hero and ppl who use him as a supp missing a lot with his power.

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              Don't play support.

              Go 5 carry if you have to, but never play support.

              Este comentario fue editado
              Venus, MBA

                If you're playing support in 1k, you want a support that can keep your allies alive with heals and scale better late game than most supports. I do heroes like Omniknight and Abaddon for things like this. Both hold different qualities that make them situationally good against the 1k mmr scrubs who pick all carries. I personally prefer Abaddon over the two because Borrowed time can bail you out of being a 0-18 support who always gets easily picked off by legion duels and pudge dismembers.

                Venus, MBA

                  Omniknight's spells do a lot more reliable saving than Abaddon (though you may die of boredom if you play either too long).


                    Learn how to hit creeps and push towers and you'll be 2k in no time.


                      I just got in 2k a week ago and now im on a loosing streak

                      Winning streak no more

                        Get better

                        Pathfinder Kyra

                          When your MMR is that low how to get better has no simple answer other than "get better" but I'll do my best.
                          Don't pick hard carries. You haven't learned good farming habits with them and having a team that can make space for you just isn't going to happen.
                          Try to go with high impact heroes and heroes with stuns. The enemy team is going to have poor farming habits as well so someone like sven who can stun and do large amounts of damage with minimal farm is going to cause them a lot of trouble because they won't be able to farm BKB and even if they do then they most likely wont be able to get more useful items.
                          Watch higher skilled players but dont try to just imitate their builds, you are wanting to watch more how they rotate for kills and farm and position themselves in teamfights.
                          Always carry a TP scroll! It may seem like it's draining your gold but always be sure to have a TP to assist other lanes that are getting ganked or to escape.
                          There's so much more I could go into but I'll leave it at this. BE POSITIVE. If you start yelling at team members or insulting them it's going to just make them play worse and it's most likely going to effect your play as well. If the legion commander was doing terrible then they are going to realize that and just get defensive. A good thing to say to them would be "hey it's going really bad for you maybe I can get a smoke and we can try to gank one of them so you can get a duel victory" then just leave your replica in a safe place or near a lane to farm and if things started to go south during the gank just go to the replica and farm. In doing this you bring the entire team together for a fight and you make legion feel better so they will try harder and not just feel defeated.
                          Good luck!