General Discussion

General Discussion680 MMR Experiment

680 MMR Experiment in General Discussion

    so this guy gave me his account to play a few games on it
    obviously I'll play only ranked so if anyone is interested in watching feel free to send friend requests
    sadly I can't stream since my internet is just dogshit

    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

      So what are you trying to proof? what is about this experiment?


        idk I just couldn't find a better title
        I guess I'll prove that there is no ELO hell or some shit like that

        yung griphook

          what's your main's mmr?


            5k+ m2s

            < blank >

              I might stream how I eat some cereal


                Looks like you're going to have a really good fucking time :D

                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                  There's no elo hell, sometimes you could be a better player than your teammates, but not enough to carry them to win easily. So that's the reason why a lot of people can't climb from where they are.


                    suggest some heroes to play

                    < blank >



                        everyone's shitting on carry cm so you could try that


                          Radiance lifestealer

                          Este comentario fue editado

                            the guy who reuqested Io should get cancer

                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                              Or you didn't carry enough.

                              Git gud.

                              THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                I you want to do my battle pass challenges too I wouldn't mind. ;)


                                  reported for acc sharing, enjoy ur ban


                                    So it's Juice's experiment all over again?


                                      Lmao, Kumbo making 1k's stop playing Dota for good.


                                        ok last game gave me cancer literally so I'm done with this for a while, was fun first game tho

                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                          Git gud brah

                                          EZ MID 9k mmr

                                            play treant


                                              >check last game

                                              >io carry, cool

                                              >1 more shared profile, check him

                                              > 40% lol lets check his steam


                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                              bum farto

                                                I once lost to a 2.6K average team so there's that. Game is way too hard for me atm.


                                                  Man those fucking weeaboos...

                                                  acc buyers in my team

                                                    Did you give up on the 4k experiment?


                                                      I'm playing on my main now and I'm playing with shred only so basically I'm winning 70% of the games


                                                        I'm kind of amazed that anyone in that bracket had more than 300 GPM


                                                          this makes me feel like i suck. it opened my eyes to what i need to do. dont give a damn about my team and rek (not that i am saying that i am able)

                                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                            @Zano even in my bracket they do


                                                              Pudge lost too :)


                                                                Interesting! So what you found out? xD


                                                                  1k mmr games too hard LMFAO


                                                                    I found out that they're too cancer and people that play there are subhumans


                                                                      Yeah. It's not too uncommon to have to explain what wards are to the supports... In ranked mode.


                                                                        Hate it when shit like this happens. Happy, minding my own biz in my 2k MMR ranked when all of the sudden a voker who is most likely boosting goes 40/2/some random # of assists.

                                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                          It's usually a Sniper @Elduryb

                                                                          Invoker is too hard for them to play.