General Discussion

General DiscussionMy Legion Commander Build - How to get 300+ Duel Damage

My Legion Commander Build - How to get 300+ Duel Damage in General Discussion

    So Legion Commander is currently sitting in 3rd place popularity behind only the perennial Pudge and the current fotm mid Invoker. I think she has this popularity because of the ease of afking in the jungle (she is run there almost half the time despite it being the place where she loses most games), also the fact she is a carry and so the best way to win the game because supports can't win games, finally she gets to get extra damage from each kill she makes which is a good way to increase your epeen.

    Despite this she only has an average winrate of just over 50% in the lowest of low skill pubs (<2k) and it only goes down from there to 45% in 5k+ pubs. This I think it is due to her most popular builds being in the words of the great CLQ so shiiiiet. Blink Dagger and Blademail have less than 50% winrate on her.

    I present to you the best most damaging build for Legion Commander with explanations for the item choices.

    Octarine Core - This item should be considered core on her since it reduces the cooldown on duel from 50 to 37.5 seconds. With an arcane rune this is further reduced down to 26.5 seconds cooldown. This allows more duels more often which means more damage.

    Butterfly - this gives an active which increases your movespeed and allows you to get in range for duels. It also gives some useful things like attack speed and evasion.

    Radiance - this increases your farming speed as well as deals damage.

    Boots of Travel - these increase your speed further and allow you to get in range for duels. It also lets you tp across the map and saves money on TP scrolls.

    Sange and Yasha - this increases your move speed and lets you get in range for duels. In fact with boots of travel, sange and yasha, and the butterfly active you can move at the max 522 movespeed. It also increases your damage and attack speed which is useful for helping to win duels.

    Aghs sceptre - this ensures that no pesky enemies can help your enemies win duels. Better not feed away duel damage to the enemy. You can also use this to win a duel in the fountain to truly break your enemies spirit at the end of the game and ensure they are on tilt for their next game!

    I only tested this build once on a smurf but it had a pretty good impact - As you can see I got over 25 duels in 39 minutes and 10 cs per minute.

    casual gamer

      this build is very damaging


        every time you play legion, you must queue with riki smurf dude so that he can secure duel victories for you.

        Miku Plays

          No lol but fun build

          Miku Plays

            SnY, BoT and aghs ok.

            Lc really needs that blink/SB

            Este comentario fue editado

              ^ hes joking man

              Murranji your build is dogshiiiiiet man, if you have BoT, OC, Bfly and radiance you never NEVER build SyS cause you can buy manta and split push like crazy with a minimal ms loss and you can bait ez duels with your illusions

              Miku Plays

                Try euls build on lc


                  add some tangos and gg branches for good measure

                  Von Darkmoor

                    Blink build pretty much shit unless 3-4 extrmly solo and squishy support jungle extrmly shit aswell.
                    Blademail can be okey.
                    Personly i think building armlett go duel when their low to get damage and build tanky is the best way to go and aghs uppgradera is pretty insane if you ever manage to get it most games en too soon then again im no expert on the hero but judging from my own success with it and all the morons picking it and going jungle blink or just lane blink basher.

                    lm ao

                      dont believe in that pinoy shill hatsune

                      casual gamer

                        "Blink build pretty much shit unless 3-4 extrmly solo and squishy support "

                        see, this is why people lose games


                          There is no item to break Linkens in your build.

                          Miku Plays

                            euls is legit lc core right now

                            World Eater

                              The reason why LC has a low win rate is because the noobs pick LC thinking they're going to get all this duel damage. AHAHAHA! That's just my opinion though.


                                ^ this is true

                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                  300+ duel damage ≠ win games. The problem with LC is..

                                  He's a 1v1 hero.
                                  Loses out mass stun lineup.
                                  Lower game duration (50+ minutes to 30-40 minute games).
                                  Not a true carry like PA/Spectre/Riki
                                  No innate crit/spell immunity skills

                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                    LC still need Dagger / shadow blade bro :3

                                    acc buyers in my team

                                      my guide to actually win game with LC ( even tho i suck)
                                      pt,blink, bm, bkb, ac, crit, moonshard.

                                      u won,congratz.

                                      Farming Simulator

                                        Everyone knows that the best lc build is stacking battlefuries.
                                        Look, its simple, you gain dmg via your ulti, dont you? Now with battlefury you will be able to distribute that damage on to your opponents!
                                        Therefore best build is brown boots + several battlefuries! The more the better.

                                        bum farto

                                          LC is a tough one cause there are efficient players who really play the hero well, then there are people who go jungle and wonder why all the lanes are losing. Knowing when to pick LC jungle over offlane is quite important and sadly the former is more relevant to game ruiners who give this hero a bad name.

                                          Fun hero though.

                                          acc buyers in my team

                                            i think you should add to the item problems. Some people think that lothars + deso is better than bm + blink + bkb and wonder why they go 1v5 and feed duel dmg.

                                            bum farto

                                              Itemization is crucial on all heroes, not just LC, knowing what items to build, when, and it which game is what vastly seperates brackets/players.


                                                @soul trap, I thought about that but I think it's a bit dishonourable to build an item to counter linkens sphere. Like if they have gone to the trouble to build a linkens sphere to avoid being dueled you should respect that decision and allow them to get away with it.


                                                  @ OP - Are you retarded? Is that the build to get +300 dmg or give away 300 dmg. Xd. The only legit item on that build is sny.


                                                    @ashes, why do you think you build an Aghs sceptre? With Aghs sceptre you will never feed away damage because the only thing which hurts you in the duel is the enemy hero. I've had people on my smurf build it before they get any duel damage up and running and they never end up getting any damage because they don't have enough damage to kill the enemy in the duration of the duel (or the intelligence to wait until the enemy is low before dueling them) - but they also don't feed any damage to the enemy because when they run in and duel 1v3 they don't take any damage from the other enemy heroes until after the duel ends.

                                                    Miku Plays

                                                      The best item is mom u scrubs

                                                      pihak berwajib

                                                        i build MOM & BM on lc , work like a charm