General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are some heroes you never want to play again?

What are some heroes you never want to play again? in General Discussion

    For whatever reason.

    Ursa, Omniknight, Nature's Prophet, Ancient Apparition, Riki, Sniper


      dazzle omni lich viper razor dk

      American Tragedy

        Meepo - fuck that shit


          Invoker, pudge, meepo(even i havnt plated meepo yet)


            brood, brew, dp, ench, ww, sd, bat, ud, ogre.


              I played Invo a few times and I have a feeling that good Invo player must have trained a lot to play this hero

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                  I dont like to play DK, he is boring. Lifestealer is equally boring probably. Treant Protector, maybe not as boring but as useless most of the time. Also Tinker because I fuck up everything possible when I play him for some reason so I usually avoid playing these heroes. Happens I get them when randoming but repick is best.

                  Well tbh, I just want to play autowin spectre right now so everything else kind of blows.


                    PA. fucking shit hero concept, delete this fkn hero

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                      Dire Wolf

                        Pudge, hate skill shots, stupid hero anyway. Never played invoker, never will. Meepo cus gahahahahgrgeeg too much work. Same with chen.

                        What do you mean play as or play against? That's my play as list.

                        Синячий патруль

                          i dont want to play ever again storm and tinker, ty , id rather pick am instead of this useless farmers


                            Alchemist, Pudge, and Nyx Assassin. Fuck em

                            Pale Mannie

                              Alchemist, Lifestealer, WR, Drow, cm, omni

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                Half the hero pool is just obnoxious shit that I don't even understand how people consider "fun".


                                  huskar, techies




                                      tinker. the whole game is non-stop key spamming even if you're just farming.


                                        omni, alche, aa, brewmaster, earthshaker, earth spirit, huskar, jug, kunkka, lc, ogre, rubick, sk, sky, slardar, sniper, sb, techies, tiny, tusk, ursa, warlock, witch doctor and maybe tinker