General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to break losing/tilt streaks?

How to break losing/tilt streaks? in General Discussion

    I seriously cannot fully break my losing right now. I can't even play, my mechanics are for some reason are just gone, I can barely even last hit. My map awareness is even worse than what it is usually is. I can't think, I can't play, I can't focus. Doesn't matter what position apparently. It also doesn't help that I keep getting really trash Pudges, not sure why. I go into ranked and I feel like I get a player who says "I wanna play pudge for the first time" and they literally land 2 hooks all game. I could hold my own in 2.7k, not high 2.7k but I could do it, I was one game away from 2.8k and bam, 3 days later i'm high 2.5k.

    It's really irritating. I want to keep playing but I don't want to go into unranked. Any tips to calm down? I don't know why i've dulled so hard.

    Venus, MBA

      Whenever I go on a loss streak in ranked, if I still want to play ranked and calm down, I pick some of my comfort heroes even when they aren't in the meta. The main hero I use when I need a good match is Sand King. No matter what lane your team wants, sk can adjust and take any available lane, if all the lanes are packed, just get to level 3 and jungle with your lv. 2 sandstorm until you have dagger. After a couple of well landed epicenters I feel better in no time.

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        Start up a smurf, try to calibrate it really low in the first few games (I find picking riki and just afking in lane so you get no kills and no cs works pretty well). You'll then be matched up against brand new/new players and then you can just go ham and play properly and rack up 25-30 kills in a game for a couple of games before smurf detection starts putting you against better players. Ignore what redditors and other care bears tell you about "ruining people's games by smurfing" - it's very therapeutic tearing apart new/bad players. Then once you get it out of your system you can go back to your main and just focus on fundamentals again.


          I don´t see any huge losing. Last 10 games very little bit worse, but you have very nice win ratio. You will definitely go up. Just take a break when you have a bad day.

          Bad Intentions

            Hmmm, any real life problems bothering u man? hows the computer hardware? internet? Physical and mental condition?

            We need to dig deeper and find the core problem!


              The past 2 days it's been more losing than winning. And I was busy with work before that so I didn't get much of a chance to play a few days ago.

              I have real life problems like everyone else, but I don't think they're impacting my game play. They haven't before. Computer hardware is fine. Internet is meh, I'm planning to upgrade it though. My ping is usually around 33-66 ms.

              Otherwise I don't think I have any physical or mental conditions.

              Although, my left contact has been really funny the past few days. I gotta get new ones.


                Alright having a closer look at your profile I can see two main problems:

                1) Not spamming any meta shit. If your sole aim for playing (like a lot of people) is to win you have to spam the strongest heroes in your meta bracket. The highest skill players like Badman and Arteezy do it to raise mmr, you have to do it too. You can't be playing heroes like Slark, Riki, Meepo, Legion Commander etc if you want to win in this patch. You have to either go spectre, zeus, omniknight, Ursa, Abaddon, or necrophos.

                2) Not getting rid of your TP scrolls before the end of the game. You did pretty well by getting rid of them before so you only have 264 games with TP scrolls in your ending inventory, but look at all your recent matches. You kept it in your inventory at the end of the game. Get in the habit of putting that thing on the ground and destroying it when the game is either determined as won or lost.

                3) Learn how to support you asshole.

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                    The easiest way to stop tilting is to stack with someone and win some games. Also, sometimes you need to take day off and don't think about Dota at all.

                    Bigest problem is when you start to tilt, and then you don't play the game, but you still think about it a lot.

                    One more important thing to notice is that, difference between 2.5k and 2.7k is fairly small, so you should not get upset for losing 100-200 MMR.

                    Yes, I know you can say that it's not about "200 MMR I lost", but it's about 400 MMR I'm away from getting to 3k, but let me tell you;

                    You're still missing a lot to get into 3k and stay there. I watch your games from time to time, and sometimes I wonder can you even maintain your 2.7/2.8k.

                    Even tho 2.8-3k is same shit, and even if you get lucky and end up in 3k MMR, that won't prove me wrong, it'll mean players around you are just bad.

                    I told you several times what you need to work on, you said you will, and I don't see any improvment so far.

                    Your last-hitting is bad. Very bad. Your hero pool is terrible. Your meepo is even worse than mine, saw it yesterday.

                    Your Riki is good, but hero is just too shit to have it as main hero.

                    Your Slark is also meh, requires a lot practice.

                    Basically, 85% of games in 2k/3k are winnable. It starts to be different once you hit 3.8-4k, but only because you meet better players.

                    Practice last hitting. Learn how to control the lane as safelane carry if it's needed.
                    Don't be toxic, you're toxic sometimes for no reason, it really pisses off people.
                    Respect your opponents, don't play greedy.
                    Learn some heroes from Meta or some heroes that can fit meta: OD, Slark, SF, Invoker, Meepo, Jugg, Ursa, Ember, Lina, QoP..

                    Practice 1v1 a lot. Like a lot. Your laning stage is terrible, and becoming better at laning stage will boost your mmr to at least 3.2k.

                    You're not bad player, but you lack last hitting skills, and your laning stage is bad.

                    Fix that and you'll start to climb more.


                      dont play when your body is not cooperating. stop when u are on a 2-3 lose streak. when u return, just play with bots til u get your confidence back. the more u push, the more u tilt


                        switch server switch spam hero choice aim to counter the most impactful enemy hero.


                          Mute your whole Team + the enemy Team + turn a song you like up to full volume and just relax


                            And don´t play when you are drunk. You think that you are good, but you suck pretty hard. Also never play tired. You are on a good way. I think that you will climb up pretty fast.


                              idk i play better when im drunk lolz


                                expect the worst and game is good.


                                  with my 46.20% win rate I've never learned to break a tilt streak, and will probably never get better than a 50% win rate.


                                    shred can u evaluate me too


                                      btw im exactly 3k party (used to be 3.3k pt) but i cant seem to hold my own in solo ranked games

                                      i almost always go slark but it feels like im too incompetent for this

                                      but its more like im annoyed by the fact i cant destroy sub 3k players even tho ive played more than 2k games lol

                                      i guess i just rly suck at this


                                        Never Saw you playing, can't say anything. On topic, seems like I'm on losing streak. ):

                                        yung griphook

                                          same mmr <3

                                          honestly just have to step away and take it one game at a time. If i lose a game where I do really well, I usually stop playing for a while after that because it doesn't take much to put me on tilt afterwards. maybe that helps.


                                            @nevermore i do that too

                                            i actually climbed my solo mmr last year when i was doing this in over 2 months

                                            then i lost it in one night ggwp


                                              @goddog if you cant hold your mmr, i just means you will soon reach your appropriate mmr. There you will be able to match your opponents, probably.

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                stop playing dota for a month


                                                  @Sven guy
                                                  That's not gonna happen, kek. I'm gonna try playing with my glasses instead of contacts, the left one is really faded, they're old. I'll have to try and see if my vision isn't impairing me. Once i get home from work anyway.

                                                  Although, I have been playing CS:GO the past two days. I enjoy it but I suck at it. I gotta get back into doto though. Gotta at least try and keep my edge.

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                                                    Go take a break and watch some flowers, come back after a few minutes. It breaks the losing streaks, atleast for me.


                                                      Idk, what breaks losing streaks is hard work and dedication. Pretty much sums it up :)

                                                      Just like everything else in life.


                                                        As my experience , mmr is like a bet. you can lose when u playing at your best and vise versa . My mmr from 3.5k > 3.7k > 3.3k> 3.8k > 3.4k now ... heavy losing streak last few days.

                                                        FZ 1 N

                                                          Yes losing and winning streaks exists and sometimes it is beyond your control (you can lose even if you played god-like or win if you played on dogshit level) and mm is not the best system of them all so if you lose 2 games in a row, take a break, go play some Overthrow or Rocket League, relax a bit, listen to some music, walk for 5 minutes or punch something just to bleed it out. When you feel more relaxed and calm, go back to dota.

                                                          General rule is to avoid "rush hours" (look at your dotabuff to see what time in the day you are winning most and play on that server at that specific time) and if you get angrier at your teammates or enemies, mute them, especially the "question mark" ones, don't let them to tilt you.

                                                          Have fun :)


                                                            I want to take this time to thank all the people with sub 50% win rate and massive lose streaks. Thanks for the easy mmr


                                                              >spams ember spirit
                                                              >45% winrate


                                                                Take a break from dota


                                                                  I'm not sure how much my advice will help because it seems you only play snowballing gankers, but here are three things I do:

                                                                  1) Play with lower MMR friends (especially good if they are doing Compendium or All Hero Challenge) or friends in low priority and pick the appopriate hero to carry their games. This increases morale and stops me from becoming too depressed or passive in my next game due to recent beatdowns.
                                                                  2) Play support and let your allies carry. Tilt = psychological pressure to snowball not matching reality, so why not play a role that has different pressures? Remember that at your bracket, perfect supporting isn't needed, just do what the team needs and counter the enemy, but this will increase the trust you have in your teammates for your next carry game.
                                                                  3) Stop playing serious DotA when sleepy, hungry, or drunk. All of these suboptimal mental states makes it easy to throw. If you are mentally in one of these states, play bot matches or Overthrow (with Peruvians) or bot matches or practice last-hitting.

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