General Discussion

General DiscussionOmniknight 5K+ Bracket - 27.88% Pick Rate 57.88% Win rate

Omniknight 5K+ Bracket - 27.88% Pick Rate 57.88% Win rate in General Discussion
Royalon ZZ

    Hey, can the gods up in 5k bracket explain why the win rate FOR the pick rate of Omniknight is so good even at such a high level? Generally speaking, to have a top win rate despite the high pick rate means the hero is actually extremely good, basically cancer level. How come pros rarely play omniknight then?


      Pros rarely play omniknight because a simple diffusal blade completely counters his kit. (they still sometimes pick him)
      It is very effective because nobody is countering that shit, and even if they do there is usualy 0 synergy in the team so they are basicaly either wasting resources and throwing money at you which puts your team on an advantage no matter how slow your team farms or they are getting destroyed by that 100% magic and physical immunity, low cd heal, and movement + attack speed debuff aura if they decide not to counter you. Also buying aghs on the hero basicaly makes him a pocket fortify and you can't really use diffusal blade on structures.


        I made a same post about omni awhile back when he still had low pick rate but high win rate. Most seem to agree he is strong in pubs but boring to play. Now he is picked more i suspect because of omni OD. So I actually don't know how ppl in higher brackets think. He has been strong all along but because of OD ppl are picking him? He should have been cancer tier long ago


          With or without OD

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              did you know

              you can get to 5k without being good at dota?

              just play 800 games of omni



                He can't zone offlaners well, so can pretty much be played in trilane or duo offlane. Can't roam, don't have stun. Counter with diffusal blade. But, if you pick him against a lineup that would probably never get a diffusal its pretty good and thats probably why has high winrate in higher brackets. So he could be a nice third pick, can't really pick him as a first pick.

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                    It's a myth that Diffusal Blade counters Omniknight.