General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar having the highest amount of deaths

Huskar having the highest amount of deaths in General Discussion
RIP Kabosu

    Huskar having the highest amount of deaths seems a bit ridiculous to me, you'd think that it would be a support that has to get within close Range to do anything. (Crystal Maiden or Ogre Magi)

    Why is it that Huskar is having the highest amount of deaths?

    Fee Too Pee

      huskar is my favourite hero , idk why so much people play him so badly :( . basically what i see is : people go pt + urn and suicide lifebreak and get armlet too late. u should get armlet <10 minute to be effective now. and yes, people cannot armlet toggle right with him. (in the bright side i can still abuse him in this patch lol)


        Generally they go full retard and try to ult anything near them and think they're invincible


          Why does a Hero that has an ultimate that LITERALLY kills himself, Jumps headlong at a Hero Taking a Large Portion of both hero'es HP, have the highest Number of deaths? That seems like a pretty stupid question.

          Huskar has the highest number of deaths because he Jumps head long at heroes at a slow rate which allows better players to manipulate his Landing Position and BUrst/stun him down properly.

          Lower MMR players also do not help those KDAs since they thnik hes unkillable for whatever reason.