General Discussion

General DiscussionI started as a 4k mmr and now down to 3.3k solo mmr

I started as a 4k mmr and now down to 3.3k solo mmr in General Discussion

    I started as a 4k mmr and now down to 3.3k solo mmr, how to raise again my solo mmr? I can adapt any roles but most of the time i have shitty teams. Is there anyone who could advice me on what hero or strategy that is effective to raise again my solo mmr? Your replies will be much appreciated. Thanks


      you got me at shitty teams
      git gud


        example of that is you have a support on ur team,but the shitty thing with that is taking CS with ur carry, how good was that @_@ 4headkappa


          IF u have shitty teams, enemy players are 90% of time just as shit, carry your team.


            Mark safelane
            Ask someone on your team to pick Omni
            If they pick it, pick OD and free win
            If they didn't, still pick OD and probably win

            Check out my spam of the hero from like 2 weeks ago


              Play core heroes - mid, hard carry, offlaner - they have the most influence on how the game goes. Mid is the best as they can really snowball into the game. They also don't have to rely much on others. Supports are limited by how good their core heroes are. I started as 4k+ too, dropped to 3.3k as a support player. Too many games end with my team owning the early game, and our core heroes throwing it.


                any heroes would you like to recommend?


                  A Little Advice Dont Rush In Solo Mmr Keep Playing Pub More Pub Than Solo Mmr So You Can Practice

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    Thats what happens when you play 100% carry-all-the-time.

                    I tried creating a new account, play carry hero all the time, get high GPM and KDA as possible and guess what, I calibrated at solo 3.9k mmr, reach a peak of 4.1k mmr, den drop 3.7k mmr. At 3.7k mmr I stopped playing that account coz I know it will eventually drop me on my 'real' mmr (which is only 3.3-3.5k). That account has about 45% winrate (this account, my main is 54%).

                    Calling your teammates 'shitty' is childish. Maybe thats the reason why you always lose, you pass the blame to others, then they start playing 4v5 because you refuse to participate their team battle and in the end, GG.


                      Accept that you are just a shit , and "maybe" you can climb up again


                        In my experience, over 500 mmr differences are big enough to see changes in gameplay and to win by adapting to them. If you were calibrated correctly, you should be back to 4k in about 60-70 games. I've climbed from 3.3 to 3.9 last autumn solely playing support, it's doable. (EU)

                        Livin' Real Good

                          Well, if you calibrated at 4k, then this account you are using was probably a smurf originally right? Cause no noob just calibrates into 4K first time playing this game, or without Dota experience prior, could be wrong though. (I just checked your first few matches ever, so this probably is a smurf) You have 2K matches on it, and still haven't been able to maintain 4K, or ever get back to it for that matter, you're probably WHERE YOU BELONG.

                          You should of been 5K by now don't you think? Or at least comfortably be able to maintain 4K bracket after two years after calibrating to 4K.

                          I dunno, i'm not an expert at these things, maybe you belong in 5 or 6K, could be wrong.

                          Este comentario fue editado
                          Mors tua vita mea

                            Dont play when you are angry!


                              git gud


                                High winrate hero spam will probably get you their man just wait for it.
                                Or just use ur comportable hero


                                  You see you should focus on urself and not your shitty teammates. When you'll be worth getting 4k, you will figure it out yourself what you need to do.

                                  me mid or rage

                                    still ok. dont started dota at the end of 2010 (dota 2) .. keep playing till today but still on 2.8k mmr like me xD

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!