General Discussion

General DiscussionLost 300 mmr in a month, what am I doing wrong?

Lost 300 mmr in a month, what am I doing wrong? in General Discussion

    can someone check the stats of my recent games and explain wtf is happening? I used to win sooooo many games. but now not even lying, I carry the game and lose. should I stop playing mid lane?

    Livin' Real Good

      A few of those games you have looked harsh, you did pretty well, but team was uncarryable, that happens to everyone, it's not worth making a topic about it. (now you know) There's some weeks where you're gonna have scores of 14-3, 10-2, 17-8 down the dotabuff page, and they're all still gonna say:

      There's some weeks you're gonna feel like teams are WAY MORE SHIT than usual (omg hidden pool Kappa) You just have to deal with it, and play you're game. Maybe play another game, or just less Dota in general, but whatever you do, don't play MAD on a losing streak.

      I remember playing Night stalker, spammed him for 10 games, had monster scores, but literally LOSS, LOSS, LOSS, LOSS. rofl

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        things tend to snowball. if you make some small mistakes during laning stage just because of tilt, they make your game harder and harder up to the point where it's unwinnable

        at least taht's how i explain loss streaks to myself even when i don't notice anything wrong or i say that there couldn't be anything done about some bad situation that happened

        Livin' Real Good

          and honestly, might just be you too, maybe you can get kills, but you don't know how to push or hit towers, I still kinda have that problem honestly, so might be on you as well. Alot of people don't push, especially in normal skill, and end up have pathetic tower damage. After that, your teammates end up being more shit than the enemies, so they have ZERO items late game, while your enemies have Daedalus, and Skadi's out of nowhere. lol

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            Based on your name it's probably an attitude/rage/tilt problem