he need insta cast of ult (like sleight of fist ^^), and mb slightly better dps from ult, that's it.
nah he's fine dont do that maybe just +0.25 his agi multiplier and tricks of trade works out with your attack speed?that would be just fine and balanced...
i dunno why valve keep update for balancing one heroes but ignoring other underplayed heroes. really why the heroes still there? ( RIP troll, titan, tech, and others)
"change back stab damage to pure" rofl, no way, but I do think he needs some type of HP regeneration buff.
give him a 30 second immortal skill on a 20 second cooldown without mana costs!!!!!11111oneonene
Are u serious u want a meta with a 3000 dps riki hitting a decent ult and a strong lanig + invis + killing 1 while he turns?
No just buff storm
seriously, why u ppl keep shouting about storm. have u all forget when suma1l won TI5 before the nerf? u will see every game filled with 1st pick storm and noobs will be like spamming lightball from fountain without counting his own manapool. juz buff riki, so noob like me wont feed much. kappa no offense.
Yes, buff riki. His backstab should be a significant bash chance instead of the useless nonpure damage. Then his blink could be considered an unreliable stun, his ult could do close to the same thing over aoe, and he would become more focused in the early game as a ganker.
Let's make riki a better support. His true role. :P
I agree the ult should be instant cast like sleight of fist or like juggers ult or something, people just run out of it too easily right now. But I would also add back his regen, that one really hurt his laning that he had on the invis before.
increase base movement speed from 290 to 310
Trick on a Trade attack interval will be same as riki's attack speed instead of 1 sec
No, 1 second is good. Sometimes you need to phase out for a longer time in order to avoid damage during a team fight, so your invis can kick back in. Changing this to atk spd would be a nerf not a buff.
change Backstab dmg type to pure, add +4.0 base hp regen
That seems like too much, I wouldn't want Riki to be a top pick that other people pick him before I could. I wouldn't want Riki to become the next super OP Sniper either.
- adds aghanim scepter upgrade: change cast points of all riki's kills to 0.1s, change riki's BAT to 1.0 when casting Trick on a Trade
Also: my suggestion: replace smoke screen with a damage spell. For example: Riki deals 75/150/225/300/400 damage to the target enemy within a range of 600.
They should change blink and give it charges. Level 4 does 100 damage and you get charge every 5 second. You can store 6 charges. Change smoke so it has 600 aoe and does sma he over time as long as you under it. I say 80 damage a second at level 4. Change ulti so you can run around with it while it's being used. This stops people from running away.
^u must be the fake. the real pro phantom riki will use rapier dagon in every match. with ur silly build u cant be compared to him
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this hero has so much flaw this meta. cant flash farm, low hp, ms, and as. ez conter with any hero (juz dust and sent or a fckin gem). i would like to see buff on riki like
- increase base movement speed from 290 to 310
- adds +4.0 base hp regen
- change Backstab dmg type to pure
- increase Trick on a Trade max attack per unit from 4/5/6 to 4/6/8
- Trick on a Trade attack interval will be same as riki's attack speed instead of 1 sec
- adds aghanim scepter upgrade: change cast points of all riki's skills to 0.1s, change riki's BAT to 1.0 when casting Trick on a Trade
Thats would be awesome. agree guys!!!