General Discussion

General DiscussionArmlet for Sven

Armlet for Sven in General Discussion

    I have seen that armlet Sven is pretty good build but it does delay your sny and blink ...wanted to know if it worth building it or just stick with threads into helm into sny into blink?


      Do whatever the fuck you wanna do.


        Skip armlet

        Von Darkmoor

          Get it after sny but before blink or just go pt hotd dissemble it armlett blink sny or sny then blink

          Dire Wolf

            It's fine actually, you can rush it anywhere but I'd probably do it after treads, dominator. It's a huge dps increase so you don't need the s&y, and with blink you won't miss the move speed too much. The issue really is going to be slots if you go armlet. Treads, blink, dominator, armlet is 4 cheap slots, add a tp slot and then you go bkb? s&y? You're 6 slotted by like 30 mins and gotta sell something to get a big item like daedulus, heart, abyssal whatever. Unless you just end the game at 30 mins.

            Fee Too Pee

              Try my build , rekt 3 match in a row , BROWN BOOTS - wand - armlet - morbid mask - pt - dominator - blink - bkb and build skill max stun , 1 point warcry then max cleave. Dominating early since armlet and farm still fast with armleut + mask

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                It's good if you're actually able to hit things, but not good if you're delaying mobility items that doesn't build into anything late game, on a hero that can get slot-starved very quickly. I recall Miracle- building it but his team was basically playing a "protect our 8k" game so he needed the extra HP to tank damage. If you want to take advantage of the Armlet timing then Armlet+MoM+Blink is better. Guy above plays in Normal Skill so take whatever he says with a grain of salt.

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                Fee Too Pee

                  dude, i am a 3749 mmr atm in VHS , i am playing with my friend in normal skill , and can kill early and farm fast at 3 games in a row. well just an advice , since why pt when you can rush armlet for attack speed + str anyway , mana solved with wand. and sven cannot really hard carrying later (kited 5 seconds bkb) so i prefer armlet for end fast game. since armlet + god streght = ridicilious damage. and yet you can s till get dagger at early with domi since you max cleave at lvl 10.

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                      @Fee Too Pee
                      3749 mmr and carrying Normal Skill friends, ok. Whatever makes you sleep easier at night.


                        How about Sven skill build I usually go 1311 at lvl 6... maxing my cleave then my warcry then stats I don't lvl my stun until I max my stats cleave warcry and his ult ...I use this skill build because his stun will do 2 sec at any lvl so I see no point max it early to farm while cleave is a free and better BF same goes with warcry u Can take ancient stack early in game


                          It can help but I don't recommend it and I tried it. You slow your farm by a lot and you sell it soon anyway.
                          I usually go boots -> hotd -> power treads -> yasha -> blink -> s&y

                          Keep stun level 1-2 and max cleave asap

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                            You're gonna need to pay attention to your hp, as simple as that. Personally, I prefer S&Y because blink -> stun -> cut like paper, not much more.
                            Stop building Mask of Madness (lol wrote morbid before by accident) please, it hurts you a lot when your enemy is offensive. Imagine you have Morbid on and Lion hits you with Sceptered Ulti.

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                              Skill Q first, then one point in warcry and then only cleave, you'll have to make sure you don't skill cleave beyond level 2 and make sure you get cleave in the end.
                              So, 2 2 2 is the best imo, skilling cleave 1 after putting 1 point in Q and W.


                                morbid is mask of death in dota 1

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I don't get why you guys say it slows down your farm a lot. If you have blink then the move speed is negligible for farming cus blink will be back off cd after you clear camps. And dps wise it does a ton more than just yasha, and even more than sange & yasha.

                                  Level 10 sven with dominator and treads.

                                  Armlet active - 203 raw dps
                                  Yasha - 135
                                  sange and yasha - 172


                                  It's a couple hundred more than a yasha and has a very easy build up. Nothing wrong with either or both. When did s&y become so popular on like every hero?


                                    After someone made it on Shanghai Major, I don't remember who. That pro was getting a lot of flak for it on forums and it suddenly became meta, just like Mask of Madness was meta before for absolutely no fucking reason.


                                      ^Miracle build it on Sven aganist VP

                                      @Dire wolf I'm not sure when sny became popular with Sven ...I think it's because sven need more mobilty and Sven warcry can get purge and it has a 8 sec duration while sny movement speed buff last as long as u have it

                                      Fee Too Pee

                                        people just forget that armlet is fucking cheap as fuck and synergy very well in his ult. THAT FUCKING COST FOR THAT FUCKING DAMAGE AROUND 10 MINUTE MARK DUDE. not sangyas at around 18 minute and you want to blink + stun + hit and done no more chasing with that extra mov speed. warcry move speed + bkb often enough