Learn strong offlaners , anyone can last hit as safe lane carry , be a douchebag to those free farm safe lane carries. Abaddon , LC , Necro (if dual lane) , undying. basically learn other heroes than safe lane carry spectre XD
watch streams/pro matches, player's perspective is awesome here
use guides, but preferably the ones made by the real masters of the hero and not some random 2k players
analyze your mistakes and work on them
dont let yourself think that you are good or that MM/teammates prevent you from rising mmr, cz its never true and this kind of mentality is what actually drags you down
even if you want to stick with the carry role till the end of your life, play other ones at least untill 5k, it really helps to improve your general game understanding
be versatile in itemization
never tive up, try to learn as much as possible. scenarios when you are far behind are actually the most useful ones
dont waste your energy on blaming someone, even if its true. it still wont help you in any way. avoid getting mad.
Avoid being matched with retards, if the queue time is less then a minute you are doomed, if the queue is longer then 5 minutes, same. Fuck MM and fuck Valve. Here is your advice.
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