General Discussion

General Discussion"Statistically there's a very low possibility of everyone in your gam...

"Statistically there's a very low possibility of everyone in your games teaming up against you and reporting you for no reason" in General Discussion

    Unless you secure any kills, of course.

    In that case they do that every game because "OMG KS REPORT".

    I knew I should have just let the enemies get away rather than securing the kill.

    I should never build dagon, even though Riki is unable to finish off an enemy 1v1, and would leave the enemy at 250 hp without it.

    I should never try to dagon an enemy that is running away from me either.

    In fact, I should just say "bye" and let the 50 hp enemy walk by me when I'm invis, because attacking from invis is considered KS.

    Maybe I should just abandon the game, that way I can be 100% sure I won't accidentally KS anyone.

    In fact, I just abandoned a team that was absolutely intolerable and raging at each other and me nonstop. "OMG feeder on team" "you guys all feed" "stupid team" "stupids"

    It felt damn powerful knowing that shitheads are going to lose mmr.

    So I would like to say a collective screw you to the all people who make games intolerable with their constant blameshit.

    If you want to blame people, write a blog or a forum post or something but keep it the fuck out of voice chat or game chat.

    Este tema ha sido editado

      Anyone who replies to this thread has a lack of braincells

      Pale Mannie


          The entire reason people blame you for ks is that you don't come out of invis. You will wait till your team gets them low to take the kill

 this is basically it

          Mr. Furryhentai

            where do i get my brain cells back? I lost like half of them on this forum


              Stop making gotvet losing brain cells, he is going totally BrokeBack

              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                I'm actually a nice player in game, but don't mistake me for a doormat.

                My default is to treat people well and the way I would want to be treated, but if I feel like someone's being an unfair asshole to me, I'm gonna be an unfair asshole to them too.

                For example, I was new to invoker on my invoker smurf account.

                Some asshole kept on yelling at me "invoker stop dying you mother***ing scrub" and insulting my family and cussing me out.

                So I said, "okay I won't die anymore. No problem." And become a sunstrike only stay at base Invoker.


                  start a stream channel on twitch. im bored and cant play dota and it would be amusing to watch ur games

                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                    You can spectate or download any of my games, my current internet is too shit to stream, but I used to stream and I plan on, as soon as I fix my shit internet.


                      It wouldnt be amusing! All he does is stand around waiting to ult or blink strike nothing else


                        He does more than that.
                        He uses Dagon, walks around and buys rapier.

                        Este comentario fue editado

                          Lol I actually try Riki Dagon once. My team lost their shits it was quite hilarious. It is the perfect recipe to get reported actually


                            this shit only happens in low skill brackets, later noone actually really cares anymore if you do ks aslong you win the game....


                              well, that's the problem isn't it? he isn't winning the game...

                              i'm just going to go outback and shoot myself for replying to this thread.


                                There should be special achievement for his build on riki in new section Dickhead hero mastery and shitstain builds. No offense to anyone just saying...


                                  Option 1):

                                  This guy is the perfect example of dunning kruger effect. Too dumb to realise how dumb he even is. 35% Winrate Riki only in the lowest possible skillbracket, while trying hard to win. Permanently seeks for approval.

                                  Option 2):

                                  This guy is some bored out troll, who just trolls arround in the lowest possible skillbracket and posts here to get some attention. Some lonley sad kiddo.

                                  Regardless what: You (and me) give him attention and he is satisfied.

                                  I guess its Option 2).

                                  Russian Name, while his written english is quite ok and in the video he just waits for the lasthit and times it quite well. Really bad players tend to rush things; waiting too long for the lasthit is not their thing.


                                    guys he is trooollll


                                      Hey let's play "Spot the Retard".
                                      Let me give you a clue : OP.


                                        He is a chi Long qua dynasty member guys, making an experiment on dotabuff

                                        And there's nothing we can do about it

                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                          I bring people together, look at everyone posting in this thread.


                                            For the wrong purpose, we are here to call you out for being a dickhead player.


                                              No actually the forum is more interesting than the 'predict my mmr' days. Good job riki

                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                Sniper: Why don't you gank my lane ever, Riki. You only gank bot.
                                                Riki: You need to get them to low health so I can dagon them.

                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!