General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen should be CM picked in ranked all pick.

When should be CM picked in ranked all pick. in General Discussion

    I picked CM 1st thinking it's just a #5 but I got rekt last game...I guess it's a terrible idea.

    Now the enmy picked Mirana and ES and those 2 rekt me real hard sigh..

    Do you guys 1st pick her and still own? I mean Jesus I couldnt be consistent with her.


      shes good against ench


        she is nice with aether lens late also early she is good as well but you have to adapt a weird playstyle with her she is very squishy you mostly stay back put your spells down. It isnt as easy as it seems

        Pale Mannie

          Harass people with frostbite

          Putins Price Hike

            good support, but she obvious will get rekt with her low Hp. You need to work on your positioning.


              When you want to pick WK or Medusa later or have a team of so much initiation/distraction (undying, bara, tusk, etc.) she can safely (threaten to) ult every teamfight (but if your opponents are truly dumb enough to allow that, literally any teamfight hero will do).

              Otherwise, never.

              Este comentario fue editado

                Is it true she is gona get ulti buff? fristbitting everyone touched by ulti?

                Zorthax Dorn

                  Your items don't really make sense. Your last game as CM you built a ghost sceptre, I understand why, there is a PA but it only makes you take way more damage from earth Mirana etc. A glimmer would of been better, maybe even in combination with ghost but at your skill most won't Carey dust to stop a glimmer. Reduces magic damage + escape from PA. It also helps your carries more than you'd think.

                  I don't understand the drums either. I know CM is extremely slow but actual mobility items would of been better. I. E. Blink and/or force staff. It's been said but aethers is very strong as well.


                    My last game I am so poor and I bought all the wards and stuff.
                    LC and SF went to their jungle like all the time and no time to farm as I can remember.

                    of course I wanna buy glimmer cape.

                    ES and Mirana combo on me is really bad fissure plus arrow and es blink stun and right click so I died easily... their supps played better. They are party of 2. I am alone and nobody communicates everybody play alone.. this isnt an excuse tho but if we 5 man early and do our thing I'm sure we have advantage...

                    Zorthax Dorn

                      Ya but you bought drums over a glimmer cape. I can't see any reason why you thought drums would be better over glimmer.

                      lm ao

                        Buy force staff
                        I think thats the only utility you need

                        Este comentario fue editado

                          @Klonu that would probably only be an Ulti Scepter buff (and it sounds too good)

                          CM is best when you have heroes with major mana issues, often they are STR heroes with low mana pools but great spells. Earthshaker, Bristleback, Sven, Chaos Knight, Timbersaw, for these heroes one value point of the aura is going to give them spells, confidence, and farm. Especially on Shaker skipping mana boots and going to blink is really sick.

                          quit doto

                            don't appear on map, play countergank, carry tp. put levels on 3rd skills to support other lane while you aren't there. wards and dewards, maybe carry a quelling blade to deward faster

                            The Laughing Man

                              Ignore the trolls above

                              Cm is a very versatile hero who gives a great global buff and can easily farm big camps with 1 point in w. Cm should only be picked when your safe lane is going to be secure, that could mean u have another support babysitting your carry or just that your carry is much more dominant than their solo offline. You get your exp from the big camp while stacking and killing it off, max mana regen first between camps gank the safe lane or just make sure the carry has space, you can also farm large camp and stack and pull small camp at the same time if that's required. The value of cm goes from her utility to the team whilst being self sufficient on exp and gold unlike most supports who just leech from the safe lane, this allows you to always be able to afford wards in fact there are very few other supports who can keep up with her pos 4/5 gym, so you can literally bankrupt the enemy supports just by flooding your map with sents and obs.


                                force staff into forest tp away she lacks speed and durability like fuck


                                  Ignore the trolls above
                                  Cm is a very versatile hero who gives a great global buff and can easily farm big camps with 1 point in w. Cm should only be picked when your safe lane is going to be secure, that could mean u have another support babysitting your carry or just that your carry is much more dominant than their solo offline. You get your exp from the big camp while stacking and killing it off, max mana regen first between camps gank the safe lane or just make sure the carry has space, you can also farm large camp and stack and pull small camp at the same time if that's required. The value of cm goes from her utility to the team whilst being self sufficient on exp and gold unlike most supports who just leech from the safe lane, this allows you to always be able to afford wards in fact there are very few other supports who can keep up with her pos 4/5 gym, so you can literally bankrupt the enemy supports just by flooding your map with sents and obs.

                                  yung griphook

                                    Oh wow a Coheed and Cambria fan



                                      Never played her on Ranked but as far as my experience with her, she's best when ...

                                      1. You know how to position yourself
                                      The most important part. She's very squishy and if you can't position well, you will feed really hard with her.

                                      2. The enemy lack burst damage
                                      Then again, she's very squishy and if the enemy has many burst damage, they can just kill you outright.

                                      Teamwork is the key

                                        If Zeus is in enemy team you are gonna have a really bad time..Anyway first pick CM means that enemy team will like to have your butt because ez gold.
                                        Doesn't matter your team you can solo support buying wards and utility and still be fine all the game,just stick with with your team otherwise ez -25


                                          When there's no zeus and spec, slark and other cancerous shit that just going to kill u before u can do anything in the game.

                                          Teamwork is the key

                                            Yeah,CM hates burst damage and heroes that are good 1vs1(you will hate ember spirit as a CM when he one-shots you)


                                              Don't listen to all of them. Look at my CM games. Green days for weeks (probably cos my skill bracket is so ez)

                                              Don't be afraid to 1st pick Maiden.
                                              It's what I do always.

                                              Go ahead let them counter pick.
                                              Gives my team a breather.

                                              I rarely get mobility on her unless situation arises.

                                              1. Make her beefy with Drums or Urn or both. If someone gets those alr (it's probably the Spectre or get an Atos. That long range extra slow goes a long way. Kinda cheap too? Always get the vitality first though.

                                              Idea is to make sure she can take that 1 or 2 extra hits.

                                              2. Get the appropriate item counter.
                                              Be it Ghost, Glimmer or even a BKB.

                                              3. Many ppl think that positioning is important for this hero, it's true but to play against Earthshakers and other Stun Lords you need timing as well.

                                              Wait for them to be out of range or when their key spells are on CD. Then fly into position and drop the bass on them with your Ultimate.

                                              You need a great deal of awareness for this though, I myself miscalculate so don't fret.


                                              Stay at the backlines and wait and see where you can apply yourself to the situation.


                                                ^whoa...supp heroes player...stubborn sea players would love to have u in their team....

                                                Good tips btw.....