General Discussion

General DiscussionClinkz now

Clinkz now in General Discussion
Teamwork is the key

    Hey guys :D I played yesterday Clinkz Eastwood and I have to admit that is strong,the only problem is that I don't really know what should be his item build because I never played him be4,suggestions and tips?
    Anyway is he a counter to OD because burst damage+bkb combo?

    Fee Too Pee

      deso + soulring is usually good i heard for early game
      and orchid now situasional but in your last match orchid is actually good, just do not rush it

      and gosh that midas LC on your team give me cancer

      Teamwork is the key

        Deso was already bought so it was stupid to buy another. Did you see Zeus with aghanim rush? KS is real man,I was attacking the Tide that farming ancients and Zeus just pressed R,bah..
        I was thinking instead of orchid and soul ring,isn't better deso and that -7armor stuff that i don't remember the name?


          I think medallion can help you come online really fast, but tbh I suck with clinkz so eh

          Teamwork is the key

            Can you post some clinkz player or tournament clinkz? I can't go on youtube so..
            I saw the clinkz vs OD match up,felt good man


              Just wondering how many people speak english in china? And do you need to learn any other languages in school?

              Teamwork is the key

                I am studying chinese and I am italian(the keyboard hasn't english so I can't really check for mistake when I write)


                  I don't play Clinkz, but the pros almost always build desolator on him (searing arrows is no longer a UAM)

                  > Whoops

                    Yea, Clinkz is good, movement speed is very important, I guess. I use this build everytime:


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                    Teamwork is the key

                      Let me guess,normal skill?


                        Clinkz is pretty weak atm, definitely needs another buff to compete with better heroes.

                        Treads, Aquila, Sould Ring for early game.

                        Desolator, BKB for mid game.

                        Late game Butterfly, Daedalus.

                        I found Manta Style is kind of nice on him for the movespeed and ability to dispel dust.

                        Pretty bad hero all around though unless he snowballs extremely hard and that relies on your enemies not putting down sentries which doesn't happen in higher mmrs.

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                            Honestly clinkz is actually pretty strong. It just depends on the player. Treads aq sr and medallion should be able to get pickoffs. Show in lane, after wave dies tp to somewhere else and get kills

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