General Discussion

General Discussionteach me how to make everyone's life miserable as techies

teach me how to make everyone's life miserable as techies in General Discussion

    i want to make everyone cry, my teammates, my enemies, their dogs, idc i just want to do it

    i'll be doing this in solo ranked; win/lose doesnt matter to me now so i'll just make everyone's life hell

    so for real questions; where do i lane him and how do i plant mines efficiently? sometimes when i mine a lot i get way behind in XP but when i dont mine a lot im not doing enough pressure on them

    i still go offlane with him but usually in a duo now


      look at my most recent techies match. simple. PAIR WITH MAGNUS

      Venus, MBA

        You preferably want solo offlane (which you will get once in a blue moon as a techies). If you want to really piss people off as techies, mine weird places you don't see techies mine a lot. Preferably all over their jungle, especially if they have a greedy lineup. Mine they two thin paths above the top rune that lead to the dire jungle. Psyche them out by putting remote mines REALLY far from your tower. Place a single remote mine in the middle of a lane near their base to cut off their creep waves.


          i used to run solo offlane tech (when his mines still dealt shitton of damage) but now i dont do it cuz his mines rly do sucky damage now

          ROAD TO HERALD 0

            I wouldnt run a tech on any fixed lane. Even if you dont get zoned out, you are just pushing out the lane and messing up the lane equilibrium. This is bad if there is another teammate on the lane, and generally worse if you are solo because enemy roaming supports or mid lane will not be able to resist coming into you to make a bad porno.

            I think a more effective way to play techies would be similar to the roaming bounty hunter.

            Except you are not invisible, and are looking to stay out of enemy map vision and plant mines in key chokepoints to kill enemies early on, and looking for opportune suicides.

            Creativity with mine positions is essential. During the early to mid game, you lose a lot of efficiency if your mines get spotted and dewarded. The whole point of the early mining game is to establish map control and force enemy supports to spam sentries before the gem / necrobook 3 arrive (most pub teams in the low medium skill tiers wont buy gem early on).

            Late game, techies' game becomes about high ground defence (if your team is defending), or pushing / perimeter defence (if your team is ahead). Again, where you place your mines is crucial, and the positioning becomes situational (which areas of the map you anticipate the enemy heroes will go).


              if i play him like bh how am i supposed to get exp

              or is getting exp not that significant on tech?

              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                You generally need quick levels on techies because this hero's effectiveness falls off quicker the more competent the enemy team is. So getting that early snowball is important.

                With this playstyle, early game you get levels mainly through killing heroes with mines. In case you didnt know, techies receives exp when his mines kill heroes, wherever techies is on the map, provided he's alive.

                It's a balancing act, when to hide and plant mines versus showing up on lane.

                If enemies arent stepping on your mines, and if you happen to be near a lane you can leech exp on lane, pull or kill neutrals, or even spend a few minutes on lane just killing the lane creeps with mines.

                Or you can try dewarding the mined chokepoints where you think the enemy team has vision. Or you can mine some entirely new area.

                The key is to prioritise your actions according to what is most efficient at the current point of the game, and not do nothing.

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                  waku waku

                    picking techies is enough to do that

                    sopa en mi yolk

                      Hi..... I see you need help to make life hard as techies.....

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