General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does nobody ever focus the tombstone?

Why does nobody ever focus the tombstone? in General Discussion

    Except for you when you are playing support Skywrath Mage?

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      The Joker

        If you focus the tombstone during the teamfight = You leave yourself vulnerable to any kind of beating ranged from right-clicking to magic spell nuke that can send you off to the orbit

        Синячий патруль

          i focus, so fck ov


            when is on ur lvl play, yes u should courage ur team to hit the tomb cuz its ez if all the team hit it. but on high lvl play u will see the tomb placed on "if ur hit it u rekt", thats all.


              Positioning is alot of it. Generally you should all hit the tomb or kill a priority target but its not as simple as hit it or hit people


                Because sometimes smart people put tombstones in highground

                ROAD TO HERALD 0

                  Why does nobody ever focus the egg even when it's cooking right in front of them?



                    See the thing with Tombstone is that it should be treated like a phoenix egg - ie everyone should hit it until it is dead. But they don't, they all run off and right click heroes while more and more zombies build up around them which slows them down and damages them etc. But when phoenix egg is thrown down every one runs to right click it even though get this - tombstome takes less hits to destroy! And he can't slow your attack speed!

                    It's so stupid.

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                      Miku Plays

                        sniper rekts undying cause of headshot lel


                          If I could report you Dragon Roost Island I would.

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                                Okay so if I am reading this right the '6k guy' is advocating leaving the tombstone alive in the fight.

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                                    If you hear "tombstone down, get out, get out" and no one dies its probably better than hearing "he used tomb? go go kill it" and 2 people get hit by sk stun and die.

                                    ^"you should leave tombstone on the fight, if you can't reach it or it's too risky for your team."

                                    Also if you are carry 50 min in. and you kill tombstone instead of their carry, you lost.


                                      BAN UNDY

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        This thread is so dumb, destroying the Tomb Stone in some situations is actually out of the question, or harder to kill cause of positioning of you and your teammates, someone getting stunned, the enemy team being fed, and more variables. It's not always gonna be " Just hit the Tomb Stone, especially in early game when it's at it's peak, if it were that easy, it never would of got nerfed in 6.85. (still have nightmares of the old Tomb Stone) Dummy.


                                          Just ping the shit out of it and people focus it

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                                              On stream right now Arteezy was complaining abou nobody hitting the tomb and so there were 1000 zombies attacking them as a result.


                                                The ole cheesy "naga ulti then kill tomb and fight strat" elegoogle


                                                  Our team's naga complained a lot for not hitting the tomb during her ulti on my last match. Most of the time, we got team wiped as a result of that.


                                                    she must be dumb illusions deal full hero dmg to tombs GG