General Discussion

General Discussion40 last hits as #5 support

40 last hits as #5 support in General Discussion

    When I play support I almost always play lone supp...I delay buying bkb or most glimmer cape because I always buy wards incl ward and deward at the same time 4 obs and 4 sent ... keeps me roaming around the map without last I play this correctly?


      If you don´t have enough farm with support you will become easy food for opponent carries and you will end up with score 1-10. You should have at least some mediocre farm. It is not always necessary to have 4 obs and 4 sentrys. It depends on a game. Love when our support is warding opponent forest when we are losing a lot.
      You have to use brain with is way more better to have mekansm or scythe than 8 wards without items.


        Last hits as a #5 will mostly come from pulling creeps to neutral camps as you want to stay out of lane as much as possible, if your playing against a solo offlaner or a passive dual offlane you should be zoning/pulling as much as possible. Last hit will completely depend on the type of game for you. Generally if I am playing with friends and actually playing position 5 I always buy all wards(give offlane or mid a ward at start) and tangos for mid at start, you might not be upgrading those brown boots if your carries are having a bad game unfortunately.


          40 is fine.

          P.S. Dotabuff says that I do 12.7 lasthits per 10 minutes on average. So...

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          kunst 2

            "it is way more better to have mekansm or scythe than 8 wards without items."
            My supports usually go for mekansm instead of wards, lol.

            >Ima good sprt ima savin u lief bro

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              I don't have last hits if I lane with carry also...I COMPLETELY give it all to the carry...I take last hits from neutrals...


                "it is way more better to have mekansm or scythe than 8 wards without items."
                this is super wrong, vision is the n.1 priority for a pos.5 and too many people underestimate the advantage that good wards give you
                you can literally lose game because of no wards/wrong wards


                  So basically the money come from neutrals and ganks the enemy or killing the enemy is that...


                    Lol come on man, 200 hp heal > wards to avoid being ganked in the first place.


                      Welp...I have 2 primary obs wards that need to be place...example if I play radiant I place bot rune ward and bot lane ward....that will secure jungle for our team...u know what I mean??...


                        Vision is the number one priority, but you shouldn't be buying wards aimlessly and placing them just so you can say "huurr durr i'm a suppot look at me place wards and give vision" Think about where and why you are placing them. Most of your gold should come from lanes/neuts that absolutely no core will farm/come get and from ganks/team fights. If you die early, that means you have poor positioning and that is something you need to work on.

                        Most 5 supports can survive with a minimal amount of core items/positioning. (e.g. Wand/boots/urn etc) Not buying wards for a mek that you might get 30 minutes into a game (as a 5) is not worth losing vision for that duration. Always think of wards as an investment towards more gold. 75 gold can buy you vision to safely farm lanes worth way more than that (and that is why you invest in sentries to impede the vision of your opponent)


                          ward safe rune and give your second ward to mid or off lane, no real need to ward safe lane before 6-8 mins if your doing your job. from min 1-10 a ward mid will help a lot more than a safe lane ward.

                          You should never be ganked in safe lane if the enemies walk down the safe lane to you, really only worry about rotations from mid so the rune ward is key.

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                            As a #5, last hit doesn't matter too much. Pos #5 basically get gold from assisting anyway.
                            Just focus on giving vision and saving your teammates.

                            You can check my game with Bounty Hunter where i only got 1 LH but still the second highest GPM in the entire game because of assist and track gold

                            yung griphook

                              Im normal skill so take it for what you will but my thought process was that you get your exp and gold from stacking and pulling and also from ganking lanes. Smoking mid is usually worth it and can get you towards your level 6 faster and help win the lane.

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                I play carry and I get 40 last hits in 60 mins because my support takes all my last hits.

                                kunst 2

                                  Riki, do you still having fun with all this?