General Discussion

General Discussionnew player needs some guidance

new player needs some guidance in General Discussion
-DI-Shadow Guardian

    i have player about 50 matches in dota and i have read a lot of guides and stuff but when the game starts it is total chaos coz no one wants to play as a team and goes about doing their own job(farming mostly or trying to take out the opponent single handedly). occasionally u get that awesome team where everyone is in sync and play to our full potential but most of the time it is just shit talkers and feeders. i used to play MMORPGs where u have guilds to help u and play along as a team but in this game u always play with random people which is not helping me get into a definitive role. i am a kind of player who likes to take a single role and stick with it till the end.
    i will soon be playing ranked matches and want to make sure i am well prepared for it so if anyone is willing to give me a few tips and point out my mistakes i would really appreciate it.
    thx in advance.


      Do you watch soccer?

      There's a lot of complicated formations and strategic positioning, right? Do you use them when you played soccer with friends in school? No. Why? Because you guys couldn't even dribble the ball properly, strategy was the least of your concerns.

      It's the same as dota. You don't need a proper lineup nor do you need competent teammates, you're at the level where its possible to just 'dribble' past the enemy players and score on your own.


        Just focus on mechanics like last hitting and learning how to dumpster the enemies by punishing their mistakes.


          If you're that new to the game, probably everyone (including your enemies) is always out of position, so the best advice is really to get good at farming/last hitting. If you do that more efficiently than others, you should be able to win games just out of that fact, because you get items/levels faster than your opponents. Always carry a TP to have an opportunity to escape if you should get ganked and don't autoattack creeps - but those advices were hopefully in the guides you already read. And try to develop a habit of checking the minimap as often as possible... its important to get a sense where everyone is or could be.

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          -DI-Shadow Guardian

            so i need to think about myself and improve my skills before i can think about playing as a team? i guess ill do that from now on. what kind of mistakes do people commonly do and how to prevent myself from doing something like that?

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              Don't worry about KS whether someone else KS's you or you KS'ed someone.

              People who win about it are morons)

              -DI-Shadow Guardian

                KS means kill streak right? i dont really care about that and since i played many RPGs i am used to working with and for a team rather than alone for myself.


                  Rule 1 of the Dotabuff forums: Ignore ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  -DI-Shadow Guardian

                    LOL i just read the other forums and now i know why hahah

                    Nothing Last Forever

                      My advice: Done ur real life things first then you are ready to play DotA 2.
                      Just telling 80% of my losing game because of i played when i was sleepy.

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                          -DI-Shadow Guardian

                            are u a new player too? i am looking for people i can play with and develop together do u mind partying once in a while? @nothing last forever

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                            -DI-Shadow Guardian

                              rule #5 kind of breaks my heart lol. i am more of a casual player and like to hang out with people while i play games but i dont like to lose either. i feel dota does not really give me the opportunity to meet and talk to many new people and hang out with them. i am in the wrong game ? i like this game for its complexity so i dont want to stop playing yet. @ mekarazium


                                I can coach a game if you want and give some general tips. I'm not amazing but I win almost every game in shitstain bracket.

                                -DI-Shadow Guardian

                                  sure why not i am always ready to learn something new. @blue.terrorblade


                                    Seems you're going the carry route which is good. But you should learn to farm better. Don't need good teammates you just need to be one or more items ahead of the enemy carry and learn to farm better and that would win you more games just by it self. I don't mean put more time in the farming but I mean farm more efficient. 500gpm on a lategame AM is not good and that's like the highest gpm I could find in your recent games. So it surely comes down to efficieny if you still want to play carry.

                                    don't worry so much about teamplays and randomly grouping up just because it feels right most cases its not so good. Just look at videos really, helps alot and most players in normal bracket dont do this so like most things you learn will give you more advantage over the enemy carry.

                                    I surely garantee this will give you more wins. GL


                                      Dont ks..kill steal..its ok to ks if u are the carry..but be the carry that are not retarded..u ks yourmate so u have gold and exp advantage, so at the late game u own them easily with a good item build..

                                      -DI-Shadow Guardian

                                        thx for all the advice guys it was helpful


                                          KS=kill steal,
                                          play whatever role is left, and u will rise mmr. Don't be an only mid or only carry picker, but if they are your preference then try to get them. If people steal your lane just support or roam. Things that work in low mmr brackets (0-3k) is pick mirana or other good roamers and gank mid. Watch good videos on roles (ppd has a support guide which is very helpful). Once you know how to do each role well, you will enjoy them. People often find that support is more relaxing and less pressure.


                                            @Shadow Guardian
                                            Depending on what role you plan to take on, they do different things. What role should you play depends on your play style. If it's suited to be a carry; learn to farm, learn about item builds and its alternative, learn to look for space and to read the enemy movements.
                                            If you chose to play mid heroes; learn about controlling the game tempo, learn about mid hero itemization crowd control and be prepared to transition into a support if needed and if you fail to snowball, learn to read what your team needs and fill in that gap, learn and know when to push your lane, when to tp to give help to your carries.
                                            If you choose to be a support; learn warding areas - the conventional and the non-conventional, look out for ganks and warn your team mates about incoming ganks, learn to check items on enemy heroes so that you or your carry can counter the item they have, learn about stacking camps and know which heroes are good baby sitters and which are good early game gankers, learn to gank so you give your carry or mid player an advantage no matter how small it will all add up.

                                            And regardless of which role you play, always remember these golden rules;
                                            ALWAYS CARRY TPS
                                            ALWAYS LOOK AT THE MAP (at least 5 times in a minute)
                                            ALWAYS KEEP YOUR CARRIES ALIVE EVEN IF IT MEANS YOU DIE IN THEIR PLACE (they can't carry you if they keep dying)

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                                              Well if u want ez high skill just pick bh and always gank mid u can check my smurf acount named : KQKLI search it

                                              Nothing Last Forever
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