General Discussion

General DiscussionToxic Players

Toxic Players in General Discussion

    I am low MMR...that doesnt really bother me. I have 51% win rate...that doesnt bother me, you win some, you lose some.

    What really makes me want to not play dota after 700+ hours is people flaming/whinging/moaning/putting blame on people from 2 minutes into the game until the end when we lose.

    I'm willing to put the hours in to get to higher MMR but guys, tell me, is it like this in all brackets? Cuz if it is, I dont even think I want to play anymore.



      yes, it is like that in all the skill brackets. leave.

      Mike Wazowski..!

        What is your mmr?



          I know I know, turbo shit. I'm not blaming my team or anything and the MMR isnt the issue.

          It's just getting depressing that the game I love is being trampled on by fucking dick heads

          Mike Wazowski..!

            This is my new account.. In my main i calibrated at 1.8.. I raised to 2.7 with around 65% winrate.. Its not that hard really.. Game mechanics are enough to climb 2k.. And some sense..


              The ability to deal with shits like that and concentrating on winning the game is what differenciates normal players and vhs players.. u will just have to ignore the rants and win the game.. its mentally challenging.. but if u manage to master the ability to concentrate on the game in hand.. u will climb pretty easily.. all those whiners r gonna stay whr thy r till they learn this..


                Make a smurf dude and go to 3k easily. Its okay no problem with that trust me just smurf


                  Im finding fun in the fact that im bringing this account from a calibrated 700 mmr from a long time ago up and up now.