General Discussion

General DiscussionLifestealer

Lifestealer in General Discussion

    Hey Guys. I know most people think lifestealer is really bad at the moment, but I think if built right he can still be a decent carry. I've currently been going:
    Phase boots> Optional Iron Talon > Maelstrom > S&Y (Yasha First) > Mjollnir > MKB if needed otherwise basher> Situational

    I find his biggest problem (like most melee carries) is being kited so I build Phase and S&Y to try deal with that and later basher>Abyssal.

    Feast Scales with attack speed and not damage so I focus mainly on attack speed items like Mjollnir and AC once his kiting issues have been dealt with. I build MKB in my last 3 games only because they all had evasion I needed to deal with.

    My skillbuild is 1-1-4-1 (maxing Open Wounds first) and then skilling feast and rage depending on which I need more.

    Ive been playing as a fighting/ganking carry mainly. I start off the fight in an Ancient and use it to run up to a support or nuker without an escape (heroes like Zeus or Lina make good targets.) Once close to them I Jump out the ancient, pop rage and use open wounds to slow them and kill them off. Killing off an important hero at the start of a fight like that often results in my team winning the fight.

    I haven't had time to test this extensively due to university but I plan to try it more this weekend. Does anyone have tips or advice. Constructive critisicm and opinions are appreciated. What sort of buffs do you think LS needs? Is he at all viable in higher skill brackets?

    PS: I don't get armlet because is doesn't help with kiting issues and it doesn't offer enough attack speed. It also feels like a dead end item that just takes up a slot later on.


      w33 spammed lifestealer a bit and he went like phase drums armlet (i think) sny


        LS isnt bad because he can legit fuck up spectre, zeus, mb OD. though he doesnt do well vs many other carries.

        Miku Plays

          What sort of buffs do you think LS needs? Is he at all viable in higher skill brackets?

          i dont think he needs anymore.


            @ Hatsune Miku

            Lifestealer is barely picked at all Competitively. Is it just that he doesn't fit the current meta then? Or maybe just a minor "notice me" buff?


            I didn't think of drums for some reason. Might help with being kited. If only you could buy more charges XD


              Do it the bsj way where you get vlads, tranquils, radiance, AC


                idk, i recommend u to watch w33

                Pale Mannie

                  My lifestealer is cursed with hyperaggessive enemies and shit teammates

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                  Miku Plays


                    what else do u need, free bkb, free slow, free lifesteal and free atk spd. he is pretty strong, jsut because hes not use in pro scene = need bufffff r u srs?


                      @Goethe Thanks for telling me to be hyperaggressive if my enemy pick LS because I couldn't figure out a way to beat him for a week now. (Well not too aggressive to the point of tower dive...)

                      Fee Too Pee

                        lifestealer is nice overall nothing too powerfull nothing too weak. his weakness maybe is too reliant for teammates for set up prey . Damn LS is so easyyyy to kiteable


                          ls is pretty strong ... try maxing out lifesteal or rage first because increasing slow ability only increases the cast range... putting levels in other abilities is worth more...


                            ^^ I like to max out slow first because of the increase cast range and reduced cooldown. Its the most effective way of initiating on an enemy. At level 1 you can almost never get close enough to an enemy to cast it.

                            I agree the increased rage duration and attack speed is great, but it doesn't do much if you cant actually hit the enemy. If I have a teammate capable of disabling my enemies reliable then I would max out rage first. But in Normal Skill Solo Queue its not always a good idea to rely on allies to do what they're expected to do.
                            The only time I would consider maxing feast first is if I'm AFK farming, in which case I shouldn't be playing Lifestealer.

                            Ultimately I find maxing open wounds first greatly increases your kill potential and capability to gank, while both Rage and Feast work fine with a casual point early on. At level 4, Open Wounds is an 8 second slow on a 12 second cooldown. 66% uptime FTW!

                            Corvus Corax

                              unless your opponents have 2-3 melee heroes, ls is doomed to be kited. but he makes life miserable for high hp heroes.


                                He dont need buff, with all ancient creep buffs its pretty much buff to LS. He's a situational pick that doesnt mean he needs a buff.


                                  Last time I played him I rushed a scepter so that I could carry a rotting pudge with me. Lost all faith in humanity because the pudge wouldn't cooperate with me.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Isn't any build without armlet trash? The item is so godly on him.

                                    Really though you can only pick him vs heroes you want to manfight right now cus boy he can still man fight. But otherwise he just gets kited and dies, like sven with no cleave or stun, it's pretty pathetic. So he's pretty good vs like sven, slark, all the strength carries and supports like pudge, but kinda shitty vs OD, invoker, zeus, once that rage wears off. He snowballs alright though.

                                    Pale Mannie

                                      Picked LS today for shits and giggles and lost to every scenario he's bad at

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        He won twice in Starladder today. He is not a single-core hero though, definitely needs at least one more carry.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Totally. Look at my last ls game. first I did more hero dmg than tinker, which is a huge fucking problem. But really naix just can't put a team on his back like a spectre or medusa or slark can.

                                          Even like this game, naix went fucking nuts, he still had me and alch bringing town towers.