General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes vhs placement heavily favor carries over supports?

Does vhs placement heavily favor carries over supports? in General Discussion

    So there's been a lot of threads asking their calibration. I knew they were smurfs who were curious on such factors like xpm gpm tho I'm not a smurf, it also makes me kinda curious to such subject. Peeps say "go play carry during unranked matches to be placed into high mmr bracket. How true is this? Someone can explain vividly, can? Tnx!


      its not true


        it heavily favors good players over shitty players.


          i will share my exp in this smurf matter.

          im the guy who always make new accounts for my friends.

          i always calibrate in 4.5-4.7

          using hard carry melee heroes


          for me i think that u have to get all the good gpm xpm kda HD -- thing every game

          i mean u should get a good KDA, ex. 15-3-10

          and do a lot of hero damage

          i once made an account of almost pure spectre games

          calibrated at 4.7

          i base it in KDA and HD.

          now im making new acct experimenting in GPM XPM and LH..ill tell u the mmr after calibration

          so far 33 games
          636 gpm
          582 xpm
          380 LH avg


            Thanks man!


              normal skill player isnt capable of reaching those averages


                well yes, u can achieve this kind of stats if youre a Farming God.

                My last acc was 100 Spectre games played

                and almost in all match , i got the highest Hero Damage dealt to enemy team, i think that is what made me calibrated 4.7 + the good KDA

                my avg last hits for that acc is only 200+


                  and do your best no to feed, cause if u always get killed,

                  u will have lesser time to FARM and get EXP, means less ITEM and LEVEL, means your chance of winning the game is getting LOWER

                  and Learn to always bring TP.

                  so u can farm and farm and join the fight anytime u want


                  btw here is my new acc for experimenting GPM XPM LH

                  so anyone can see, what to do, u can watch replay games, but its a shame there are some games that im a feeder.. HAHAHA



                    Well im normal skill but I can reach those stats ezlly. Look at these games:

                    U think im good enough or nah?


                      ^do u think u would be able to get similar stats playing against a team with 500 higher av mmr? 1k higher av mmr? 1.5k higher av mmr?


                        Nobody knows exactly how calibration works.

                        By the logic of Jang Man Soo I must be in 500 MMR zone with my average GPM, XPM, KDA and whatever other stats.

                        Este comentario fue editado

                          "im the guy who always make new accounts for my friends"
                          this is super retarded


                            Ofc my son.
                            Carry job is to farm,not die and
                            Defeat enemy heros wich Im good in it.


                              ^nice win rate 4Head


                                if u were good at it, u wouldnt have a 46% winrate in normal skill bracket, i guess


                                  Bad thing in normal skill is ppl always right click the creeps and push like they mad


                                    In that case, proper communication is the key to victory for you
                                    -> Tell them to stop

                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                      Im having fun thats all matters to me. Im winnin a lot of games these days by pick good heros and not useless heros


                                        @inx4c Thanks

                                        AMERICA=1 south africa=0

                                          kill participation and hero damage, smurfed against 5k players, even tough i am not even 4k


                                            What is kill participation exactly? Does it cover hero damage and tower damage?


                                              I've seen some complains about spamming spectre but still being placed in normal skill lol. I think it depends on how a player is proactive in map awareness, timing, when to push, when to initiate, when to sacrifice and when to group up for an ambush, when to farm. Just my observation.

                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                I think it depends on how a player is proactive in map awareness, timing, when to push, when to initiate, when to sacrifice and when to group up for an ambush, when to farm. Just my observation.

                                                But you know none of those things.



                                                  Ur guess is right..

                                                  Picking spec doesnt mean u will get to vhs

                                                  It is in -> how u play spec or any op hero this patch

                                                  Example of how i play spec

                                                  U all know playing normal match is a 5 man carry team or when ur lucky , 1 guy plays the supp part.

                                                  I get 8 tangoes,queling ,1 branch and 1 mango..

                                                  Why mango?

                                                  1sk skill of spec is gives u a free pass in unwalkable terrains..
                                                  Means u can escape enemy gank easily. And it consumes a lot of mana for spec's mana pool it is sad..
                                                  So alwayd have a mango.

                                                  Playing spec in solo que normal match

                                                  Go last hit well, or if enemy is too agre, just tower hug and last hit in tower..
                                                  Remember! Its ok for spec not to get farm early..
                                                  All u need is a boots and urn.
                                                  Play safe till lvl 6.

                                                  And this is where u start the kill participation

                                                  ALWAYS ready your Ulti..always have full.mana while farming dont waste ur 1st in creeps.

                                                  When u see a clash that u can kill someone.wait for the right moment to haunt..
                                                  And only aim enemy with low hp or supports that u can fast kill.
                                                  Repeat repeat this haunt in small clashes.

                                                  And if u want to vhs.

                                                  Dont build vanguard treads radiance or the old spec build.

                                                  What u need to get in vhs is

                                                  Urn,phaseboots,drum,manta,diffusal and when ur diffu charges are gone..go buy lvl 2 and buy another again if its empty..

                                                  Ez smurf

                                                  lm ao

                                                    Everyone in this thread is either a lazy ass or an idiot


                                                      The dog above me is a shithead dumb ass.

                                                      lm ao

                                                        The retard above me is an ognorant virgin who wallows all precious time in watching horrible japanese cartoons with little artistic value


                                                          basic answer to basic question yes carries will mroe likely get higher vhs because if you reallly have skill you will have higher potential impact and better stats generally.


                                                            the dog is most liekly a virgin who lives alone in his mothers basement with only a dog for company and probably watchs anime as well and thus trying to sue it as a degrading statement like a dick.

                                                            lm ao

                                                              Pathetic tryhard with victmist complex lololol

                                                              You think im a basement rat? Lol i know infinitely more about real life than you. And i dont have to explain why.

                                                              lm ao

                                                                He obvs necroed this threas for the sole reason to trigger me, so i stab him with words as sharp as his insult, regardless of i am actually triggered or not.

                                                                Lol if u can see he didnt even post anywhere before that comment


                                                                  basic answer is i have a life and cant be on 24/7 on all of the post so i hadn't gotten around to posting and if you look i did have a legitimate post before i saw you acting like a dick and i think its funny how you deny living in basement but not with your mother or being a virgin haha. i also didn't and dont give a fuck if it trigers you so dont feel any need to respond i just wanted you to know that the shit your saying isn't cool isn't funny isn't needed, so just stop being a dick pointlessly.


                                                                    hahaha bad meets evil lmao

                                                                    lm ao

                                                                      Pffft again with your victimist complex. Ok mr righteous and chosen one, pls help me i want to cuckold my instincts so i can be this innocent young lad you idralize people to be because innocent young lads dont and must not have opinion and should just obey their big daddies because innocent boy treats are sooo yummy :^)

                                                                      HARD *******

                                                                        I Think im a Good player Look at my Good KDA.
                                                                        but So hard to achive VHS. already High skill always.

                                                                        TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                          ^picks out a decent game out of his match history and openly declares he is a good player

                                                                          ^the rest of his profile is terrible and is an obvious failed smurf



                                                                            Well u got a good game..
                                                                            Go play like that all games and u will climb to Vhs ez..

                                                                            Maintaining ur avg stats is good also..
                                                                            Not just play a 1 good game.



                                                                              Pretty sure valve compares your performance on a hero to how other people perform on the hero across mmr. So looks at your gpm, xpm,kda,hd,td , healing and stun duration etc. And sees where they fit in the distributions.

                                                                              Eternal Ember

                                                                                Master ebola spirit. Be like vhs gamer

                                                                                ASSESS Product

                                                                                  Keep playing and try to raise your main acc mmr. I'm impressed if someone is actually raise from 1k-5k mmr in SEA without smurfing which I try to do that.

                                                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                    I agree with the captain now guy. Just play on your main account and try to raise your mmr that way. There was a point where you could get a very high win rate between 90 - 100% playing against bots with human teammates until you raise your level to do ranked and get to 4k that way.

                                                                                    Now it's just confusing, but from my smurfs I noticed supports get punished which is totally not cool.

                                                                                    On a support account I calibrated to 2.2k
                                                                                    While on carry only I calibrated to 3.3k