General Discussion

General DiscussionMaking octarine core Weaver work.

Making octarine core Weaver work. in General Discussion

    How would you build Weaver assuming that at some point you want to get octarine (not to o late though). Maybe middle Weaver with bottle or casual perseverance into radiance into octarine could do it ( so that you don't delay it with early linken).

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      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD do it.


          rad oct bm lotus heart


            LMAO I don't think that's a good idea.


              I will focus on the damage and attack speed to kill and push very fast. That is also a good idea, but dont u think its better to buy item like stygian or heart/bkb or butterfly, ez kill ez win.


                Bottle radiance manta octa ?
                Another Naga build


                  If it wasn't obvious enough the main point is reduction of shuckuchi's CD. Not 22 lifesteal every 4.5 seconds.

                  And I know I shouldn't do it but I want to. So at least I'll try to do it not in a retarded way.


                    Dont try this at home or at school



                      Octarine and Aghs.

                      You get a 15 second cooldown on an ability which can save anyone on your team.


                        that's the reason why the cd reduction is percentage based and not flat

                        Dire Wolf

                          Reducing shukucis cd seems kind of dumb, it's not that much dmg late but the oct + aghs idea sounds amazing for a support weaver. Plus 15s beetle is pretty darn good.


                            It also reduces cooldown on Geminate Attack, so Weaver deals more damage. It's about the same DPS increase as from Linkens. So...

                            I think, itembuild based on Octarine Core must also include Radiance for sure. Other items to consider are Manta and Mjollnir.

                            To make it work, I guess, you have to start with Maelstorm, then get Soul Booster for tankiness and sustain, after that go for bigger parts.

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                              Personally If I was going to build Octarine Id prob go, Aquilla PT, Radiance, Aghs, Manta/Octarine Heart/BKB.

                              The aghs with octarine would be very strong able to time walk ur team mates and you would soak up so much attention with the Health/BKB. Personally thats what I do but I feel liek if they have proper detection coming out of mid game you will not have the farm/Damage you need.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Oh it does reduce germinate? That's pretty good then. Wasn't sure the interaction with passives like that.


                                  Something like the alchemist octarine build I guess but with aghs


                                    if I were to go oct on weaver I'd probably get radiance then octarine. if you're getting octarine so that shukuchi has 0.5s downtime imo it makes sense to also get radiance to make the most use out of the lower downtime as well as the octarine lifesteal.

                                    get some cheap stats to get you through the early / mid game like aquila, wand, and treads. you could also go urn like a spectre, it's a low cost high impact item which is useful when you want to be useful without slowing down your item progression, and then radiance helps you farm your octarine core. you might have to also level up stats at lvs 8-10.

                                    the idea is kind of like the vanguard + radiance void build. you keep chasing people with radiance burn and you're hard to kill. reducing geminate seems pointless when you're buying octarine for 0 attack damage.


                                      Radiance and octarine are too damn expesive and weaver is mid gamer. Buy deso and lincken and finish the game asap before carries get hard


                                        the topic isn't whether octarine is a viable item on weaver, it's what would be the least suboptimal way of making the item work.


                                          no doubt that the linkens and deso build would be better in majority of games, that's why the items are picked up so frequently on the hero after all

                                          so so fresh

                                            Octarin aghs is good yayaya but any other normal team/solo items always will be better.

                                            TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                              Doesnt manta have a lower cooldown on ranged heroes?


                                                no its longer
                                                the rad oct manta build sucks on ranged heroes i tihnk

                                                Swap Commends

                                                  2 attacks every 3 sec I guess