General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to feed less with support in hard games

How to feed less with support in hard games in General Discussion

    First of all i would like to tell, that i am not so good and playing mainly support for obvious reason (lack of support every game). I would like to avoid of feeding so much in hard games. Do you have any tips ?
    If i am playing #4 or #5 i usually have very poor farm. I am trying to get at least some HP item and some escape item like Force/Dagger, but in hard games i am easy food for enemy carry. I am always focused and owned. In long games it is a little bit frustrating, becuase i am stacking and giving all farm to my carries. If the carries are good, game usually end with win, but i don´t have very good KDA :(. This will probably prevent me to get to vhs. But at this time i probably don´t deserve it.

    Please don´t write "get gut"
    I am new guy in dota 2(playing very few months).


      Well for you to be in High and Very High skill bracket, you must be doing something right as a support.

      I mean when I play support I make sure I zone out the enemy hero the best I can or save my carries. And there will be times when you'll realize that your carry is not worth saving for various reasons such as:
      _enemy has high mobility and an attempt to save him means you both die
      _you save him only for him to go back into lane to die because he wants to get that ONE LAST HIT on a creep.
      _you realized that he has no idea what he is doing as a carry (buying euls on Anti-Mage as first item for example)

      You get gold from being around when kills are happening. You DO NOT EVER right click the enemy hero; as a support your spells are more important not your right clicks. Force Staff is ALWAYS a good item, so are survival items like mek.

      My concept of playing a support is, its always better than a support dies than a carry dies in my team. When a support dies, sure, they get the kill and some gold but your carry gets that extra time to farm up for an important item.

      And from the way I see it, you're doing fine. Don't worry about dying too much if you are protecting your carries. If you get pick off too much, then have more map awareness.

      If your carries are not getting farm because its a hard lane, go stack a few camps for him. He'll be able to catch up if he has somewhere to farm.


      NOTE: IMO, if your assist is higher than your deaths as a support, you did a bloody hell of a job.

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        You dont need kda to get into vhs, id you play good support chances are you will earn mmr, enough so to get into vhs. So don't worry !

        Swap Commends

          "i don´t have very good KDA :(. This will probably prevent me to get to vhs"
          First of all don't smurf.
          Second,If u die but u see your carry is picking more & winning the game,its normal. Remember,supports die for carriers.It is usual.
          3rd,try roaming/gank supports or aggressive heroes so your team can dominate early game.
          4th,some ppl just suck at carry.If u found one ignore & move on to the next match.


            dont save idiots
            dont rightclick people with squishy supports, just stay back, go in just to cast your shit and then go b unless you're at least 80% sure that you won't die by staying in the teamfight


              If worst things happen in early game, I buy "plan B" items: Tranquils, Magic Wand, Urn, Bracer. Sometimes it helps to survive this nightmare.

              P.S. I almost never buy Force Staff, except I need a counter vs Sprouts or Cogs. I don't see much value in this item.


                force staff is nice against lifestealer, sven and other heroes of this kind. also its generally a very good item if you are used to quickcast and have decent reaction time.

                Este comentario fue editado

                  git gud


                    never go to fights when u have no skills. u cant just rightclick and win.
                    if a 2 v 1 kill is guaranteed, sacrifice yourself for your carry to get a kill
                    never ever go to the fight as if youre a tank, stay back as much as possible
                    wards win games- create space for your carry to farm
                    smoke gank in mid games- usually when enemy cores start to get items


                    The 1st

                      Positioning & Map Awareness
                      Play around with trees in when you trying to run or gank.
                      Stay near to enemy hero without them seeing you ensuring your spell is ready to be cast on then whenever needed.
                      Stay near to your carry, you've babysit him for a reason right?
                      Position 5 most probably can't farm much, dagger/force staff is good enough, of course the more items the merrier.
                      If you can't farm get some HP Item like 1 bracer/urn/magic stick helps a lot.
                      Most Supports are squishy but always hiding and be there for war. Enemy carry should not be able to kill u when you are alone because the only time you are alone, you know the enemy are far apart as seen from your wards, as seen from lanes, or knowing 1 or 2 enemy missing that can't instantly kills you.