General Discussion

General Discussion"I won't buy greaves, cause tranquils give me more regen."

"I won't buy greaves, cause tranquils give me more regen." in General Discussion

    As a phoenix player, this is what I have to deal with other phoenix players in my bracket.

    My only reaction

    Not to mention he refused to teamfight. A team fight hero who doesn't team fight.

    I'm sorry but I need to vent for a bit. ARAGASGHHASHSADHGASHD

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    Fee Too Pee

      Is mek situational for phoenix alreadybecause the mana pool and Phoenix tranquil is actually decent for solo offlane since no usually jungle?


        It is, but we had no mek carrier so he went mek.

        He didn't even bother upgrading though, since he didn't think greaves is good on phoenix.

        3k logic

        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



            Welcome to my type of game, where you literally do everything from getting wards to supporting to semi supporting to carrying to winning the game for these ungrateful brats who are between 16-25yo without a brain and act like they are 8yo spastic egoistic maniacs who will eventually run out of intelligent words to curse you with and will start cursing your dogs and cats.


              And your neighbour's rabbits too.


                41% winrate with invoker

                how is it even possible

                Pale Mannie

                  And im dealing here with other Zeus player rushing aghs refresher after arcanes and those who reporting me for the right build without aghs

                  Same goes for other Necro players
                  they rush dagon aghs and maxing aura instead the usual

                  no matter on wich side they play
                  i hate them all

                  NORMAL SKILL LIVE


                    ok so your team had a total of 600 tower damage, clearly you didnt want to or never could push somehow. getting mek is not a very good use of gold then, and if he already has tranquils he probably shouldnt have gone mek anyway.

                    Just tell him to not go mek and get shivas instead or smth idk

                    Miku Plays


                        @ 41% winrate

                        Thats way back when I started playing dota 2 and was on an invoker playing spree.

                        I think it was back at like 6.59 I think.


                          He probably more had to deal with you than the other way round.
                          Going Greaves instead of Tranquils on Phoenix seems like a bad idea in almost any situation. You might want it in a heavily mana-dependant setup (which yours wasn't), but even then it's mostly better on another hero. The game wasn't lost because of this item choice.

                          Instead you might want to look at your own performance. 9k hero damage is not good at all on a mid Puck - even that offlane Phoenix had more.
                          He prolly refused to teamfight later on (if that is even true) because you were flaming all the time, adding a second negative influence on the game besides your bad performance.