General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes Lina need a buff next patch?

Does Lina need a buff next patch? in General Discussion

    I would like to hear the opinions of some players on the matter, it feels like if she doesn't have a good start you can't do much with her.
    Or maybe I'm just playing the hero in the wrong way?
    Either way her winrate is pretty low right now, so what's your opinion on the matter?
    And what's the best way to play her?
    And yes, I know I'm a normal skill scrub no need to point that out(even though a lot people will).


      Fuck no, fuck that hero, I want storm to be playable, no she's good enough.


        lina is ok, but shes just not doing great againt some of the meta heroes. it might change when the pool of most picked heroes changes, so the buff aint needed, i suppose.

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          NO , mby valve should try only adjust op heroes next patch , so there will be no new op fuck.


            Even in 6.84 lina had a sub 50% winrate. She defently needs a buff. I hate to be raped by a 1k pure dmg spell too but we cant keep the hero weak just like we need to buff techies.


              Makes sense, but still she's below 45% across all brackets, why do think is the motive?
              Are the Meta mid heroes that OP?


                there is a kind of a meta basis, that consists of very, very few heroes that are strong by themselves (like 3or 4), and the rest of the meta are weak heroes that do good with/against the basic strong ones; and basically the strngth of all the other heroes that are not picked is considered relative to the first and second "waves" of meta heroes. they might be not bad by themselves, but just interact poorly with meta.

                thats a bit generalized and simplified, but i hope the idea is clear.

                Livin' Real Good

                  in 6.84 she had a sub 50% win rate? Regardless, that hero was fucking amazing in 6.84.

                  Even in 6.83 (Troll, jugg, sniper) meta, I literally called her out for being OP (remember when ags not only gave pure damage, but also extended laguna range? Yeah.) and everyone laughed at me for over exaggerating how good she was, then all of a sudden in 6.84, she got one nerf, they took away her laguna blade extended range from ags, and still ended up being one of the gods that ran that patch. (SF, Lina, Queen, SF, Leshrac, Storm)

                  But i do think she needs slight buffs, but only small ones. Even with the nerfs, she's still almost unparalled mid 1v1 thanks to her godlike right click range, insanely good Q, and decent stun. It's just the meta that doesn't allow her to carry games like she used to (beside euls nerf, and nerfs on her abilities) heroes like spectre can just haunt to her, and shit on her. She's probably fine where she is, even without buffs, it might just be the meta that's hurting her. Even in 6.85 she wasn't good thanks to heroes like Slardar, TA, and other negative armor heroes just melting her.

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                    normal skill


                      anime watchers calling out normal skills


                        ^awch. GG EZ for Triplsteal. K.O.

                        Livin' Real Good

                          I'm not calling him out for being normal skill, I don't care, he's just sharing his opinion. lol


                            Actually I think he was talking about arin hahah.
                            Anyway I wanted some insight from some higher skill players (which I got thanks), so it woudn't make sense to ask that if I was a HS/VHS player :P

                            Dire Wolf

                              I think she's still quite good. Isn't the issue more than OD and invoker shit all over her mid?


                                Had to play her to get the set from the battlepass set. She still seems to do okay in the early game, I was able to get plenty of farm mid.

                                She's destroyed by the current OP shit - 34% winrate against Spectre, yeah when you can just close the 670 range gap by haunting in and casting a 20% slow a Lina sitting on 1000hp is pretty easy food. Check out her winrates against omniknight/abaddon too - 36-38%.

                                I reckon with a meta shift away from heroes who can just blow her up easily she might come back a bit. Increase fiery soul max stacks from 3 to 4, or just increase the stats that it gives and keep it at 3 or increase the duration or something etc so that she transitions into the late game a bit better. Compared to Zeus she is much more inferior in terms of being a mid magic damage dealing hero. Eg even with Aghs she's only dealing 1000 damage to a single enemy hero at level 16 while Zeus's thundergods wrath deals like 2000 damage to the whole team, even more with aghs and even more with veil.

                                Veil does a lot less for Lina in comparison to Zeus since dragon slave and light strike array are usually only hitting one or two targets at a time while arc lightning and thundergods wrath hit everyone pretty much.

                                Alternatively she might get a rework of Fiery's kind of similar to those "passive which don't do anything except improve the hero" abilities which got replaced on Lone Druid and DP and Riki.

                                ASSESS Product

                                  Lina now have passive radiance and miss attack chance stack with number of unit that get affected.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    nah leave the passive, I think she's fine but just buff her base armor a bit. She starts with like 1.5, wheras od gets like 5.

                                    If they want to drastically change her do what they did to qop, reduce ult dmg make it pierce bkb always

                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                      Lina is pretty legit. Try lens on her. The spell damage buff is pretty nice especially for her ult if you don't have aghs.


                                        give her another active and make fiery soul function off casting her other spells. (IE lvl 4 dragon slave gives 30 IAS for 7 seconds, lvl 3 laguna gives like 90 shit like that) Effectively giving her another spell while retaining her attack speed increase.