General Discussion

General Discussioneveryone is picking invoker in all pick while everyone in random draf...

everyone is picking invoker in all pick while everyone in random draft is picking OD if possible and not invoker even he is in the pool in General Discussion
Pale Mannie

    thats nice


      do u still play rd? why?


        i have both rd and ap and i pick invoker if i can xd


          actually i always search for rd and ap and most of the time i get an rd then

          Pale Mannie


            i want to write a whole novel about it why i play rd but i hold it short and my english is not good enough to do it.

            All pick hates me and wants to counterpick me hard

            i pick a any hero
            3 of them repick to counter me
            4 of them are camping my lane
            im alone in my lane
            enemies are perma 5 manning
            i lose
            my team blames me even though i wrote in caps HELP ME IN LANE...

            How began to hate all pick
            aggressive playstyle made in russia™
            perma counterpicking
            everyone is picking only in the last 5 seconds

            how do i came to Random Draft?
            Last time i was in low prio because i trolled with kotl for the hate of all pick i started to think, Do i really want to play all pick again after the hell i lived through since 6.84. After all those losing streaks i had? All those winning streaks i had with no joy at all?
            I tried different game modes
            All random: too laggy and risky
            Single Draft: there are people in low prio
            Least Played: still too much heroes to get me counterpicked

            How shitty it was not to play Dota without getting counterpicked. And then i got the mindblowing reminder that Baumi is playing Random Draft and their picking stage has been changed a while ago since last i played. I tried it for 10 games and i loved it. I dont get counterpicked since drafting is there more important, better and more reliable teamates not letting me alone in lane. And no more OSfrog Invoker pickers every game saying "изи" after they made all cancer combos to win the game.

            It was heaven

            ever since i didn't touched all pick again and was happy with it

            still there are enemy furion cliff jungle picker and my team doesn't do anything about it

            Pale Mannie

              fuck it was a novel


                no, its seems like a cooking recipe

                Este comentario fue editado

                  <<< invo picker

                  Pale Mannie

                    See im shit at literature

