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General DiscussionThe life of beeing a noob but still love the Dota 2 - a Diary thread

The life of beeing a noob but still love the Dota 2 - a Diary thread in General Discussion

    Heya, N here. After my recent supersucky loss streak, my first abandon game (Not rage, but I in fact I had to take a turn in a LP game and get up) I in fact made the decision to try to analyze my games some. Didnt know where to post, but I have seen a lot of players that me that asks some questions, most of the time gets flamed but some nice input here and there. So well, I am gonna write my noob dota diary here, and see what happens.


      Played a few games after I totaly havoced some other games and now are turning tides. Will make sure I dont support in this kind of games, or well, atleast not commiting to it, but buy a cour if someone else dont and some wards to help myself just like I did in my most recent enchantress game totally helps.

      Still got some issues, wich will be focused down during the day.

      Going to pick a few heros I focus on. Sucky for me is that I do really like to play SD games tho, its quite fun but It also totally can screw me over when doing pubs. Not sure what to do here.

      Quite stisfied with my Enchant game. Played her some before but felt of later on. Really need to work on my screepscore and microing (wich counts for all heros tho) and thats why I have tried to up my CS and skipped heros with microing. Might stick to that for some time tho.


        Go on...

        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          Continue <3


            I'm not the best dotaplayer, however, over time I have gotten better. You only have 130+ matches, so you're still way too new at the game. Just keep playing and you will get there but be warned. DO NOT jump into ranked until you really get your game down. I have to climb my way up because I was dumb and ran into ranked when I could. Just take your time and keep playing dota and you'll get better.


              So basicly I put in some time today and played quite few games. Was in a good mood after the Enchantress game so I poped into a Nyx one wich was OK from my Side and we won. Went DP mid and won mid but we didnt won the game. I played badly in overal. Tought it was going to go downhill from there but , well.


              Quite good game on WR starting off mid. Tried to take place and have an inpact here, and it worked out fairly well.

              But after this game - the downhill came.

              Played a Invoker game - I have never played invoker, or atleast not in the past year or so. We lost, even tho, I was not to blae according to our ES. I did ok for firsttime, I guess. Then this poped up:


              Supporting as Bristle was not fun, spec not when going Offlane. Team did blame me for this loss.


              Team did also blame me for thiss loss, and well, I didnt have a good game.

              Got tierd here, a bit upset. Not rage but... not happy.


              Solo supporting as BH usually never works out. I ganked LC alone, I was everywhere, and despite we was behind in XP and Kills, we where still winning since i really had to spam when to push and so on. Still - We lost. They went to farm fkn jungle isntead of push last raxx bot lane when we had a quadkill....

              Did give up here but..

              Last game of the day and went off as solo support Lion


              I finally won a game as Lion again and it was ok. In fact got 3x commends due to the warding etc wich worked out really well.

              Thats all from the noob today. Laters.

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                ChiLongQuaDynasty gave the best advice ever. Do NOT jump right into solo queue the first chance you get. Otherwise you'll have to work your ass hard to get out of elo hell.


                  Not flaming but why don't you find a blog site for your blog rather than a forum?


                    Yea wait to calibrate your mmr, I wish I would have. I have played about 500 games and wish I still wouldnt have calibrated


                      New patch - New meta(?)

                      I just played a few games within the new patch. 4 wins out of 6 games and I minaly played heros I never play, mainly to get a few new stuff that i face. Like TA cancer. Is it fun? No. Boring hero, really.

                      Terrorblade? I really felt i wanted to try some illusion hero out and it was quite fun. Superez, superfarmy, super in many ways. Despite the fact that I failed bady I guess, we won , decent stats but still think I could have done more right stuff.

                      Feeling that Enchantress will be my to go offlane hero when going there (I allways offer me to play any role, except carry, like "Heya. I cna play offlane , mid or support) even tho, I got really good carry winrate.

                      Windranger for mid, will try to find smt more. Enchantress for offlane. And not sure what support to focus on, suggestion?

                      Also really like Tide...but I am terrible with tide.

                      Well, over N out - Noob N


                        Played some games now again and I see some Axe, and less OD and Invokers.

                        Actually got 7 wins in my past 9 games, wich is OK. Lost a a Invoker game where I was terrible, and a WR game where we got absolutely SMASHED. The other team played so much more well and a Pudge ownage.

                        I also playted my first pure supportgame in some time and we won by a gasp. Litterally. Playing support in random pubs , as solo, before the others pick is just suicide. We managed to win anyway due to the fact my warding gave us some opprtunities. Dying alone was the theme of the game, and Furion was just so bad I wanted to cry.

                        My bast game of the 9 was a Mirana where i Tried the Aghs and OMG so guud it is. Its absolutely fantastic and works when invis... its just sick. Really liked it. Also pulled of some superslick arrows, wich I normaly never do. I might mix in Mirana in my WR game...

                        I do aim to play atleast 25 matches in total before the week is over and mix between Support and Carry. I really feel mid dont give me anything.

                        Iver n Out - Biggest noob on Dota Buff.

                        Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                          The first time I played dota , I was feeding hard. I remember my first 10 games I were like 1/14 , 2/16, 0/10. I did not know any heroes and I just clicked random. I was playing and reading skills description at same time. Buying items was hard too.

                          I think to improve in dota you have to lose A LOT games to learn. Grow a thick skin to all the flame and try to learn (I read guides in forums because at that time there was not youtube or twitch). It was totally not-newbie-friendly game. Game was toxic most of the time, a lot quitters (because no abandon penalty) or no reconnection, and people accused each others of map hacking. But you could win 1v5 most of the time and 1 man carried your whole team. Not anymore. Enemy becomes better.

                          Dota at the present is a lot harder (in skill level) but also a lot easier to learn for beginner.


                            Managed to slip in 10 games today. Thats really, really rare. But anyway.

                            Started of a Enchantress game (starting to get a bit repetative now, but its my to go offlane) and managed to win.

                            Since someone commented on my hero usage i picked clock in my next one. OBOY I was so bad. Then the ball was rollin... CM Loss, Tiny Loss. I was on a streak. Litteraly tilted. Tried to help the team but noone wanted to listen :( And i played bad.

                            I then went to twitch, and did some other stuff. Trying to improve is really hard when you just look at yourself and see all the fails, not the good stuff. So I picked terror in my next game when someone said "Hey, I saw you can carry on dotabuff, wanna carry? We are a 4 stack"

                            We won but i played bad. Had a really nice jakiro on the team wich did help me a lot, and he was a much better player. First commend from me today! Not beeing toxic - try to help, really, really helps.

                            Herp derp games as drow, won / loss one and then the final 2 games of the day.

                            Sniperino in SD. Could Pick Chen or Huskar. I said I really dont wanna play chen cus i have no clue and i know booth huskar and sniper is bad. I said I really didnt wanna pic the sniper, they said "hey, Sniperino in the miderino, yo ucan do it".

                            And it failed.... untill it turned! Litteraly won us the game with the WORST FKN BORING HERO in the game. I said a few times

                            "How can people even pick this?"

                            "How come people instapicks this shit" etc.

                            11/11/29 score as sniperino. Decent.

                            Then I took a break, and headed back into the que.

                            Opened with the standard "I can play mid, supp, offlane, carry - any role except jungle shit". So people started to pick and said, hey, you can mid.

                            So I picked my to go pick for mid - Windranger.



                            My first game without dying! It just took 185 games untill i managed to not die a single time, haha.

                            We won. Good ending of the day and the 2x wins on the end managed me to end up with a 5-5 score of the day.

                            Over N out - Noob of the day, N.


                              And oh, someone added me to steam and gave me dotabuff+ code.

                              Name was FlippiN . Thank you!


                                im pretty sure you get banned by mods for consistently bumping your own threads on this forum


                                  Not bumping - I feel I fill it with some stuff, but sure, maybe I in fact should start a blog instead but that wont really work.

                                  Anyway, I finally made it into the 50 XP Trophy thing, woho. I also, via a thread here on Dotabuff, got in touch with a few people wich I played a few games with and got some really nice tips - A 7,2k mmr player from Sweden I also talked some to during the games and he was really helpful, pointed out a few stuff that I was doing "really well" and some I really should work on and o boy what a difference it has been.

                                  I know many of you suggested I deffo not should calibrate now but I was so tempted to try ranked out... Turned into on a fair low 2,3k average game but it has been really ez. Playing aggressive mid really have helped, its quite different from when I played my pubs but most of all I am yet to see a superthrower or a überfail pickphase.

                                  I dont really understand how the calibration will work and turn out but I have faith in that it will end up ok.

                                  fuck Me and Kiss My aSS

                                    we loss attack....because player dotabuff got in touch with afew noob...............!!!! good ending of the day last week

                                    opened with the standar quality of you suggested i deffo revenge


                                      So here we go.

                                      Calibration done.

                                      4,2K MMR.
                                      Went for some Tinker, TA and Slark to just play super agressive and really push some. It worked :o

                                      Now I am just gonna tro to develop my game and see how long I can reach.

                                      Find myself most enjoying playing offlane, so I hope I can pick off some EarthShaker and Tide games.