General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to use Scan

When to use Scan in General Discussion

    When are the best scenarios to use the scan ability? I see this new tool going virtually unused in lower brackets for a while.

    acc buyers in my team

      Every time you suspekt a gank. If you play offlane and see someone is missing, you can look up typical gank positions for mid in early.


        well im using scan chek rs m8


          expected a UAV Recon , disappointed


            Don't worry league of dotas is coming soon. Gaben will tell you where the enemy heroes are at all times soon. The handholding in the last two patches is real

            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

              Scan feature is a Bullshit

              kotl mid

                Its best to use in sidelane. like your carry is farming but your supps is roaming. you can use scan to protect your self as a carry

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Don't waste it on yourself. Save it for the carry so he can feel safer.

                  ♏mikeeCS ツ

                    @jaeyeol : however you cannot use scan in roshan's pit...
                    just around the roshan is possible...


                      I know, one time, scanned just as they entered eosh and managed to wipe them