General Discussion

General DiscussionLate game carries at a low level

Late game carries at a low level in General Discussion
Melancholy LSD

    In what I've seen thus far in my dota experience, late game carries in these games with new people does not work well. Often it is the team with the early-mid DPS that wins. The games usually last 35 minutes down here and the people who play late game carries often get shut down by the early DPS and cant even get a late game. So if you are new like me I would not recommend playing heroes like Anti Mage, Chaos Knight, or Timbersaw (even though timber is my baby)

    (I played about 50ish bot matches before getting in pub so I have a decent understanding)


      So which heroes are you suggesting?

      Este comentario fue editado
      Melancholy LSD

        Heroes like drow ranger, Wind ranger, ursa, and slark are good for securing the early-mid game as a new player.


          Drow Ranger??????????? k


            Nah. Just play spectre in last patch. Even if they win laning phase, no one can end the game early at low level.

            You just reck at the 40 min mark.

            Even if you only have half the full items as them, you still reck. It's spectre.