General Discussion

General DiscussionLP system

LP system in General Discussion

    This game is so shieet I got reported by 0/15 kda braindead kids and now I have 3lps and a 50hour mute WP volvo.
    [My last timbersaw match]


      I might have deserved a mute but a LP? Hell no these noobs shouldn't even have any right to do anything like unevolved negros

      < blank >

        I just get reported for picking Storm and I don't even type anything

        < blank >

          Deal with it and move on

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            I got reported by scrubs and sent to lp because the people that talk smack at the 3 minute mark don't like it when you make a comeback and start kicking their ass from 20 minute mark to end game.
            I had 5 LP games, I still have 2 left (since I have played as much as I normally do that last few days) you can check by the Single Draft games, but worst of all is the 156 hour mute.

            I think I still have about 110 hours left.

            Like Orquidea said: deal with it, move on. Get gud.

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              I look at these shitstains profiles I know the game is over then I keep swearing at them until the end of the game and they totally deserve it I don't care anymore

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                :hide: Yikes, the hostility. :hide:

                :happy: Work on that, and learn and you'll improve. I promise. :goodjob:

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                  you can't get LP or muted from one game so you probably have a history of being a toxic fucker.

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                      How do you even get week long mutes? Do you have to get reported for communication abuse?


                        in his defense, i'm normally 0<3 and a few commends. then i tried playing arc and have a lot more than <3 reports in my last 25 games....

                        and now i'm stuck in toxic games OT but there is definitely a "reputation" element to matchmaking. i generally had lovelly team mates till i started spamming zet :D

                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          You get a week long if you get a lot of reports.

                          I get reported for talking smack.

                          Do I start the smack talk? No.
                          Does it matter to Valve who starts what? Not at all.

                          Now I just play in silence, with music, and insta-mute the smack talkers and toxic players. I can be toxic once in a while (currently) I used to be very toxic though (like two months ago)

                          That's how you get a week long mute.

                          Add me some time for some games. I promise I will yell at you (I'm joking).

                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            Sigh, seeing your profile, Mister Hang.

                            Work on learning the game. Looks like you haven't even bothered to touch a support role.

                            You need to learn a lot, not sure how I can be nicer about this. :blush:


                              You know why I don't play sup?
                              Because I have to carry 4 braindead 12 year old kids every single fucking game


                                ^^^ yep, looks like report system is working as intended


                                  yikes,no wonder you're low prio and muted.

                                  You are the embodiment of pure cancer.

                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                    Supporting takes more skill than carry and can change even a 1k game like yours drastically.

                                    Otherwise you'll end up with a lot of these: :ggdire: gg kms :ggradiant:

                                    Swap Commends

                                      Mb u need to consider a "I suck" part.U dont get reported more than usual unless smth is wrong with u.

                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                        Nah, I don't suck.
                                        And you do get reported for other things.
                                        I know the majority of players that report me are on the other side of the team.

                                        This is how it goes down:
                                        > I pick carry, sweet
                                        > I'm doing my thing, awesome
                                        > not even 3 minutes in the game, other lanes are already having trouble
                                        > Scoreboard not looking good, but I'm not stressing out
                                        > 3 minutes into game, guy starts talking shit
                                        > I get my ass handed to me and start dying a few times during team fights, lane phase
                                        > Much more smack talk continues, I stay quiet
                                        > Suddenly timer reaches 20 - 25 minutes, I slowly start making a comeback.
                                        > 35 minutes into game, the person talking smack suddenly cannot even touch me or gank me
                                        > I ask "Are you okay, [insert hero name here]?"
                                        > They either stay quiet (which is rare) or say some clever remark like: "lucky", "noob hero", "ya im fine" etc.
                                        > After every time I kill them I ask them if they are okay for the rest of the game since they distracted me for 15 - 20 minutes of the game
                                        > They get angry, and even say they are going to report and/or leave a bad comment on my steam profile which I highly encourage since it throws people that play with me off
                                        > In the end, I win

                                        I'll reconsider that "I suck" part you suggested, Solo yolo, 'cuz that's never going to roll with me, I only improve, and I will get to vhs.

                                        You can think otherwise since I know my history :dac15_cool:


                                          Mocha with the persecution complex. You aren't good. You are toxic as shit and deserve to be where you are

                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                            I disagree with all four of your statements you threw together.

                                            I'm good, fun, and with time will be where I deserve.


                                              1. Your nickname
                                              2. "I might have deserved a mute but a LP? Hell no these noobs shouldn't even have any right to do anything like unevolved negros"

                                              You should be banned off the internet my friend, toxicity can be seen floating around you from 2 miles away. No thanks, no need for flaming white kids full of shit, we can spare the ones like you and show will go on.
                                              If I was a mod, just for number two I ban you for a week so mb you chill a bit.


                                                Supporting takes more skill=questionable
                                                Supporting can change the game even in my dogshit low matches=Not even a single chance

                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                  Ah yes, thank you, БУТЧЕР.

                                                  Enough about me, let's get back on subject with mister HANGYOURSELVESBRAINDEADKIDS.

                                                  Bottom-line is: If you want to get out of your bracket you have some major issues to work out.

                                                  NOTE: I used to be super toxic, I mean look at my name from two months ago, I was super stressed during that time, and have been working on my rage-blame game for almost a year, and now I have it pretty well in check.
                                                  My advice is learn how to relax yourself. Everyone has different methods. Mine is smoking ganjah and stop playing ranked after -50mmr in a 12 hour span


                                                    I used to rage like a ruski after a lost and break some vodka bottle or shit like that but now I just write some hateful paragraphs to noobs and try to convince them to uninstall.
                                                    Vhs scrubs wouldn't know the struggles of seing the same shitface who logins to matches just to feed every single game and make sure game is completely lost

                                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                      Well why not? I know you may not want to share this, but what is your mmr? Mine is currently 2.7
                                                      When I first started playing I instantly calibrated (which I highly regret) instead of waiting to learn the game (which can honestly take more than 500 hours) I started at 1.6, and bumped my way up to 3.1

                                                      Look at my name history, man.

                                                      I was 3.1, and then stress, and bad moods kicked when I ignored my "stop playing after 2 loss rule" then I suddenly hit 2.9, then my mood was shittier and I was more stressed, then I hit 2.8 and EXPLODED, and have been stuck in 2.7.

                                                      The point is: emotion, stress level, hunger level, sleep, a lot of it relates to your game play.

                                                      I truly hope you are not taking offense to anything since I want to help, but supporting really can do the trick. I was once in 1k, it was truly HELL. You don't have to share your mmr, but if you are in 1k I would play nukers. Play heroes with early-mid game potential that way you can get out of that hell.

                                                      That's how me and a few other friends from 2+ years back got out of 1k. We all started at 1k and we, well -- they are at 3k party, 2.9 solo and I'm working my way back to 3k.

                                                      Just do what you can, man. Don't get so worked up.

                                                      Dota is fucking life, and I love this game just as much if not more than you, but you can't be stressing yourself out, broh.

                                                      Try smoking a bowl before you play.


                                                        I started from 2k now I have 1.4k solo mmr.
                                                        But you're lucky that you're in US servers

                                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                                          Short advice: If you trully are better than them, you should be able to TEACH them, doing a benefit to the community and growing a small bit yourself, maybe even you might be commended instead of reported.


                                                            You are the type of toxic player that i wish i would never have in my game.


                                                              Thing you don't understand is in ns eu servers either they're russians who can't speak eng or some dumb frenchmen/german who has too much ego and don't want to listen anybody or born feeders that login to game just to feed usually they're same the group of people which you see in every game

                                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                                +YAN good to know


                                                                  Mocha, you bring too much bagage and are too entitled to ever improve past where you're at right now. Here's a little about me, every 25 games I usually have about 3 to 7 reports, I've yet to be muted and lp only when I could load into 2 str games because of my laptop freezing. Looking at it objectively without knowing you I'd say that YOU are the problem. That's not to say that haven't gotten a few frivolous reports but if you get enough to be muted and lp then the answer lies in you. Nothing anyone can say will make you come to that conclusion despite how obvious it is to others. If I were you I'd take a few minutes and do some self reflection. Take your ego out of it and be honest with yourself. You've reached a brick wall my friend. Dota isn't just about how well you play, it's also about how well you play with others.


                                                                    You have a 43% overall winrate, so to say you don't deserve to be where you are and your teammates are holding you down is retarded, because evidently YOU are the problem. If someone deserves to be at a higher MMR they will eventually climb with a positive winrate, simple as. Change your name, grow the fuck up, learn some heroes and open yourself to criticism.

                                                                    By the way, if you think supporting does not take more skill than carrying, and a support can't have a game changing impact then clearly you have a lot to learn.

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                                                                      If one says that he can't win games because of shitty teammates that hold him back then he should have been banned from forums like that.


                                                                        My comments are meant for the cancer nor mocha. My apologies. Also, cancer has 63 abandons and 43 pct wr. You can't honestly believe you don't deserve what you're getting?


                                                                          63 abandons really?
                                                                          Safes to leave games count in that category too I guess because I doubt If I abandoned 63 matches [might be with the lp maybe]

                                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                                            I never said my teammates are holding me back I deserve 3k or something like that.


                                                                              "You know why I don't play sup?
                                                                              Because I have to carry 4 braindead 12 year old kids every single fucking game"

                                                                              Translates to "its my team's my fault I lose".


                                                                                So Its my fault that I want a single match where there is no 12 year old feeders?
                                                                                I have to play 1vs 9 not even 1vs 5 because my team also steals my kills and farm so I just have to git gut I guess nvm do you know how many matches I lost because my team sit at base after a successful base defend which all the enemy team died?
                                                                                Then I had to push alone while knowing that I already lost the game

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                                                                                Dark Hunter

                                                                                  You do realize picking support has a huge impact on the game?

                                                                                  1 support = heals and stuns, more farm for the other 4 hard carries (most likely), keeping your team alive with healing items such as mekanism etc. Not being flamed for dying. Cuz who gives a shit about a support dying anyway?

                                                                                  It only profits your team for having a support.
                                                                                  I've played games where i got completly molested by the other team because they have supports and we dont.
                                                                                  140 x 5 heals from dazzle every 7 seconds or so is a lot of heals. Ez MMR


                                                                                    You should grow up, accept it and move on. Learn to win (no matter with who you play with), thats a start.

                                                                                    If you cant do that, then you are where you need to be and each and every excuse that you make confirms that.

                                                                                    So git gud or get out xD

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                                                                                      I get reported for not being dead in a team fight! 1 guys walks into 5 of them trying to save 1 person, pings the shit out of me for not wanting to die for someone that is dead


                                                                                        +Sir.Swirl Same shit happened to me at least 20 times but since Im a experienced hard carry I never go to die without getting kills because my teammates pinged me


                                                                                          In low mmr supports can't do a lot because there is no real hard carries that knows what they're doing.
                                                                                          If there were 2 carries in the team that knows what they're doing I'd pick OPknight

                                                                                          wait for me

                                                                                            Why are u talking about carries so much?? If you cant value the role of a supp, then you do deserve the place you are right now.

                                                                                            wait for me

                                                                                              U yourself have more win rate playing a supp. I'm sick of hearing how people talk "I have to carry". It's a five man game. How in the living hell are u gonna win against five people all by yourself ?

                                                                                              Your ES have way better win rate against your jugg (60 vs 35) you should know how important a supp is.

                                                                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                              wait for me

                                                                                                And for the love of god, please be nice to others. I've played with some of the worst pudge ever. And everytime I've played with one, I've managed to get a commend. Because I know playing pudge is not easy. It takes quite a long time to know how to place a perfect blind hook.
                                                                                                That's how you should act with your teammates


                                                                                                  @OP. I was normal skill before so yh "not picking support" is a bad idea. And EU has less kids than US. Also u deserve those lp. Its obvious u are a raging person. U might consider that the only thing common in your loss games are not "noob kids" , its you so you are the problem and if you look at those kids profiles u might see that they are winning more than you. TLDR Get good, stop tilting and flaming


                                                                                                    I have more win rate with sups because I check out the profiles of the team before Im picking heroes.
                                                                                                    If I have decent team or good I'd pick sup I love playing es and OPknigh with a team that knows what they're doing thats why I have way less matches with sup heroes.

                                                                                                    Important note:Dodging games still works

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                                                                                                      I have seen many feeder noobs who are in hs or vhs bracket
                                                                                                      Does that make them better ?
                                                                                                      Nope they're still noobs and get carried every single game most of them plays with their high skilled friends anyway

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                                                                                                        U suck.