General Discussion

General Discussion1 vs 9 plays

1 vs 9 plays in General Discussion

    Why volvo i get 4 man trsah stuck in my team why.

    Livin' Real Good

      Do we look like fucking Valve to you?


        Volvo pls, Y U DO DIS! xD

        Este comentario fue editado

          Gaben here. We understand your frustration. We'll fix this problem as soon as we can.

          Long hard road out of 2k

            Normal Matchmaking
            Lobby Type

            pretty clear the problem


              Obviously there was a feeder wisp but I dont know how this guy thinks it was 9v1 when he was tied in hero damage with the feeder wisp and was #3 on his team for farm as the hard carry.

              wait for me

                Opened a smurf, played against smurfs, starts crying. Well done volvo

                Johnny Rico

                  yep that puck against 9 player, really hard to win.

                  stupid fuck 2000

                    the shadowblade jugg complaining his teammates lul


                      shadow blade is ok on jugg afaik

                      Este comentario fue editado

                        Feeder noob shadowblade jug complaining?


                          Btw all the items you bought on jug is completely FALSE


                            341 GPM. Instead of blaming your team, look to see what you can improve on. One thing you can definitely improve on is your farming. As a position 1 safelane farming hero, 341 GPM is really unacceptable.

                            Entertainment 7wenty

                              You didn't lost because of "trsah" teammates, you lost because YOU went 2-7 and got a shadow blade on safelane jugg.