General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me

Help me in General Discussion
aaaaa cat

    Hi, i can't take it anymore guys like literally... No matter how good or bad i play, how toxic or nice am i it all doesn't matter cos i will only lose... i have no actual idea how can i make myself win games i've tried everything:

    i just don't understand how can i climb

    shit 2k (now 1.8k) player

    aaaaa cat

      bh isnt even my main i play him for fun


        Well change your items really. On all heroes

        Este comentario fue editado
        aaaaa cat

          Guys you all are like change your items, but then you dont even tell me where's the problem which item is bad lol


            party with me lol


              You need mekansm with bounty and drums vlads stuff, No dagon


                your items are terrible. You build the bloodthorn on nearly every hero you play, stop that, it's 7k which is a huge investment for an item that is countered by a 4k item. Spare clinkz maybe 3rd-4th item. You're building blademail dagon on BH. You know what I do when I see that? I don't attack the bh. Simple. You need to spend a lot of time watching pro matches and analyzing the items they go, from start of the game to the end of the game. The order in which they build these items and look at why they might be picking them. I only looked at the firsts page of your dotabuff to see your item building trends are absolutely horrible.

                Not Trying!

                  Buddy.. TRUST me.. once u change how u look at the game.. u will find it easier to win.. Remember.. dota doesnt have a clear cut right or wrong way to do things.. u just have to be better in utilizing the map to the fullest, making the right decisions and building the right item for the right occasion.. No 2 games will be the same.. do not ever think certain item on certain hero will definitely win the game.. u gotta adapt to different situations..

                  In a nutshell u just gotta win the other team with ur knowledge of the game and how u outplay them strategically and item wise..

                  Try checking out good players streams u will learn a thing or two.. not team or competitions but individual streams..

                  Not Trying!

                    Its just my opinion though i'm not that good but im learning..hope that helps man..


                      Its over man theres no winning below 2k don't listen these people they have never seen the terror in the low bracket.
                      Btw you feed too much don't join the teamfights If you can't get a kill and die If you playing hard carry in that match

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                        @i <squarerootof9 FLCL
                        Every item works at 2k. If you want to buy Dagon - go for it!


                          I started at 1,8k and did my was to 4,5 its possible if ure good enough


                            Watch pro streams, do what they do. Builds, moves, whatever...

                            Johnny, the Great Beard

                              if ur team isnt good as u wanted play in every game (solo) as meta heroes (axe\pa\kunnka\slark) u can find my latest games on pa and kunnka when i played with slark meta
                              so just follow meta builds and carry ur team on ur own
                              gl hf


                                When did kunkka become meta?
                                I think you're just good with that hero

                                ASSESS Product

                                  Spam riki and follow this guide. Ez mmr.