General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to go euls or sny with sf ?

When to go euls or sny with sf ? in General Discussion

    ^^ title


      in low bracket, u build that when u retarded enough to lose a game.

      me, government hooker

        dont build sny


          Depends on your game plan:
          A) buy Eul => buy Rapier => feed => feed couriers => get 4 reports
          B) buy S&Y => buy BKB => kill heroes => push towers => destroy enemy throne

          Pale Mannie

            Euls only when you can confidently time it with ult

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                ^You forgot Veil and Observer Wards then. =)

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                me, government hooker

                  ure a fuckign retard


                    shadowblade-aghs-xxx worked fine for me



                      Dire Wolf

                        idk in 3k sf is a really scary right clicker. S&y, dominator, silver edge, skadi, daedulus/butterfly builds work really well.

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                          Even in 3k, no reason to go for that kind of SF anymore. His aghs is amazing.

                          bottle > pt > aquila > euls > aghs



                            Oh, silver edge is obviusly good, but it really depends on a game


                              s&y has been a bit nerfed for ranged carries, and given the new aghs upgrade I'd rather go for the aghanim instead of the s&y.

                              You should probably decide between euls or shadow blade, SB is gonna be superior almost always unless there are already invis on your team or you really need the euls for the dispel (like playing vs a kunka or kotl). However if you get euls, probably you will need blink afterwards and that leaves you super squishy for a while, it depends on your playstyle and your bracket.