General Discussion

General DiscussionCan I ask theories of why Pit lord isn't in dota 2 yet?

Can I ask theories of why Pit lord isn't in dota 2 yet? in General Discussion
Sugar Show

    Isn't he the last hero to complete the game?

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      Because they want something to show on TI6

      Your Wife's Boyfriend

        then what about the theory why arc trash, phoenix, winterwhatever and even more heroes were introduced before him, even though he existed in dota 1 long before them?

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          Because Pit Lord was almost done and he existed a long time in the code, but they decided to remake him, good choice (didn't you see the alpha model?)

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          Your Wife's Boyfriend

            Also not to mention the "abyssal underlord" for some reason he is not a pit lord, which is not cr-ed by blizzard but whatever

            His model is in the game since 2013 and many were thinking that valvdsafdfs are saving him for ti4..., suddenly a wild techie appears

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            Pale Mannie

              He will come at TI6 in Valve Time


                they implemented his right front leg last 658mb patch that didn't brung anything.

                Now they need a bit of rest cause the hero is super big

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                  Will he even appear at TI6? Kinda doubt it.

                  A lot of people though Arc Warden would appear at TI5 and he didn't. He'll probably come at either the post TI patch, or even more likely the patch which occurs around the end of the year cause they will need a big item to show for that. The post TI patch tends to contain a lot of the TI stretch goal items like music, weather, arcana, hero remodel etc.


                    They're prolly trying to fix him a bit. IMO, his skill synergy and skill set is pretty weird.

                    Von Darkmoor

                      Because they Want people to keep getting hyper for every patch... Fuck im pretty certain they will add new heroes in Dota 1 before he gets added to Dota 2.
                      Also the balancing of the game is still fucking awful
                      ( i do think this one seem promising so far)
                      so they proberly dont Want to add him since he will bring even more unbalanced with his magnificent teamteleport and Rain of fire early. So i think he will get added once they manage to make a GOOD BALANCED PATCH.


                        Maybe because he can be a game destroyer with his "Reality Rift" Ultimate. Pure cancer in trolls' hands.

                        But personally i think its all about getting more money for gaben. They w8 best moment.

                        lm ao

                          I believe Icefrog is still interested in introducing more heroes

                          Your Wife's Boyfriend

                            Good balanced patch? We have to wait for years.

                            Btw Bad news boys, icefrog is not making the changes anymore. It's been that way since 2014 or idk, the phoenix patch
                            Also I haven't been in dota 1 since 2011 but I don't think it is being updated anymore. So its all in volvo's hands.
                            It is obvious that dota 2 wants to depart from dota 1 and its creator for the same reason game of thrones is departing from its books.
                            It literally gives volvo the power to do anything they want with the game. #dotaconspiracy

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Probably because he is the most boring hero out of the bunch, also because he is kinda useless. Still unfair though.

                              me, government hooker



                                  How can u say that he is useless lol ?

                                  He has AOE disable, and AOE dmg. U can get quick arcane/shiva/dagger by spamming firstorm with soul ring. He will be probably played on offlane, or even jungle.

                                  And his ULTI is mass relocate-like. This hero will have higher win rate in higher brackets.


                                    Kinda makes io irrelevant ?

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Idk what were the last like 5 heroes to be introduced? Most have been shitty, oracle and techies and arc warden. But I guess you have wyvern and tusk somewhere in there and they were pretty good.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Here's the list of heroes by date. Shit I didn't realize medusa wasn't in game when I started playing! I do remember troll and tusk and bristle being added.


                                        The last few haven't been good like I said, techies, oracle, arc warden, wyvern is ok. TB and pheonix before that and while they're pretty cool they aren't used much. Really only ember and LC are used a lot out of heroes not in the beta version.

                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                          Pit Lord:

                                          Firestorm: a 185/310/435/560 total damage if all enemy eats it is very strong. At 130 mana, you can spam this to farm very quickly.

                                          Pit of Malice: like a Ice Path but circular and disable 1/1.5./2/2.5 seconds. It has a measly 100 damage but the Pit stay for 7 seconds. Very useful AOE disable.

                                          Atrophy Aura: A weird aura but can be useful on its own way. A 18%/26%/34%/42% damage reduction aura is very good.

                                          Dark Rift: treat it like a Wisp Recolate but instead of pair, its AOE. Though you need a unit or building to teleport for the Dark Rift. Pair it with Lycan invisible wolves for gank or Undying Tombstone, you can join clash with your team in 5/4/3 seconds delay. Not to mention it can be use as a escape tool to save all of your teammates if you encounter a unexpected gank from the enemies.

                                          He's not OP but need reworked/rebalanced. It would be very interesting to see Pit Lord in a actual dota tournament. I'm curious how professional players like Puppey or Fear play him. XD


                                            He's bff is doom but doom find a new friend mepoo.
                                            Pit Lord feels bad :( he go to the intro of star wars "in a galaxy far far away"

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              You can make every hero look good by talking about their skills one by one like that. All he does is counterpush and push and soak-up farm that doesn't do any work on the hero. Pit of Malice is pretty much a worse Kinetic Field and the ulti is so damn situational it's not even funny.


                                                release all the heroes at once, wow, suddenly you have nothing to do but balance and thinking of new shit to add into the game


                                                  Did you guys know you can dodge arrow by scepter?

                                                  Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                    actually 42% dmg reduction aura is quite OP (this is stronger than the bbs passive and doesnt need a direction for the reduction), at least for a str hero with mass disable (also when comparing spells not only the effect but things like cd, manacost etc also matter), decent nuke dmg and mass teleport, idk what people mean by saying useless, he is not the most OP hero but he is going to make a huge impact if played the right way. And of course I am talking about 3.5k-6k pub games, so don't argue with things like "not viable in my 9k mmr games" or "sniper is a lot better because the enemy can't get to you".

                                                    true players dodge things even without a scepter ^^

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                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      I'm sure that's base dmg and not +dmg but it's pretty strong still. Though he might only be good in a push lineup to sustain especially if it works on creeps. You could sub him for abbadon in push lineups probably.

                                                      Mao Xina

                                                        Btw pitlord's skill 2 pit of malice can pierce magic immune units. isn't it good enough to pick? but i have to say his skill-set is still pretty weird. miss that old skill 3 that heal and damage it was fcking op back then.

                                                        lm ao

                                                          Meh pit lord only seems strong on paper but would probably shit in pubs